Malkoff M30: my thoughts with some beamshots


Jun 25, 2007
Or " How to make your SF bright on normal Alkalines."

Hope this post is ok.....if not, Mods I guess you know what to do. :)

My recent purchase of a Malkoff device (M30) has inspired me to share some thoughts. My thanks to Gene and Cathy for excellent service and the excellent product!!!!!!!!!! Forgive the terrible camera work…….it wont get much better, as far as my photography skills are concerned.

My purpose for getting an M30 is so I can run AA cells in my SF 6P with a cell extender. I don't intend to start a debate as to why some one would want to do this, so just accept it if you can't see it. J
I have no testing equipment except the MkII eyeball. But I still think one can get an idea of the performance. Hopefully the pictures will be of use.

The M30:
-the build is excellent. Beautifully machined and put together.
-Input voltage 1-4.5v
-the beam is great and the tint seems also to be the nicest/whitest and warmest out of all the other lights. Indeed to my eyes they all appear slightly bluish/purplish when compared side by side. (But only when side by side)

Some highly scientific data collection:
All cells used were either new from the packet or fresh off the charger.
The AA cells used initially are a cheap brand made in China. I bought them in a pack of 4 for $1. To be fair they are quite heavy for El cheapo cells so they may be quite good. They have 1.5V written on the side. I used a simple sheet of laminate type plastic rolled up as my spacer.

The M30 is very bright running off 2xAA alkaline cells. The only light it isn't brighter than in this test is the WE HO 170(2xAW17500's) drop-in and that is only when the M30 is using AA cells. I tried a single AW17500 with the M30 and it was brighter by my eye. Using it inside I couldn't tell the difference between the WEHO, only outside was the difference apparent.

Putting the SF host down, pointed at a wall and leaving it on, the M30's (2xAA) output remained constant (as far as I noticed) for 1 hour and 5 min. At this time the output did drop substantially but still gave useful light up to the 1 hour 30 min mark when I shut it off. Good to know it wont leave you in the dark totally when running on alks.

It got warm. But never hot. At no time was it too hot to touch or pick up and hold continuously. This said I expect it would get hotter if run off a 17500/17670/18500/18670 etc.

Ok enough already.
On to the pictures! (they really are bad pics, and dont do any of the lights justice....)

Beam shots are taken from approx 30m.

Left to Right: Gentos Pro-polymer cree 2xAA,,, SF host,,, M30 + 2 AA alkalines,,, WolfEyes HO + 2 AW17500's,,,P1DCE+Leef,,,Novatac 85P.









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Gene rates the M60 and M60F at 235 lumens. What is the M30 rated?