Malkoff M60F?

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Mar 1, 2007
Does anyone have beamshots compeering a Malkoff M60 and an M60F (20 degree flood) I have an M60 and I was thinking about trying the M60F but I would like to see the difference. If someone has both would you mind taking a couple of beamshots for me.

I don't have any beamshots, but M60F right now has a diffuser lens on it, so you are not going to see the difference between 8deg and 20deg in the beam shots.

The M60F really is just a very wide flood, there is literally no hotspot. So if your primary use is indoors I would recommend the M60F, if it is outdoors and you want good near field illumination it also words well. Otherwise if you want a more typical beam pattern with good throw then get the M60.

I'm not sure if the website is out of date, or they consider this diffuser a 20deg beam.
No beamshots I'm afraid but I recently bought one of each and in my opinion, if you have the cash, there's really no reason not to get the F. It has an incredibly even beam, even compared to a good KL4. Highly recommended.
MrGman has given a link to a thread with excellent beamshots that you are looking for, so I'll close this thread and you can continue there.
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