Malkoff/Surefire questions


Newly Enlightened
Oct 4, 2003
Washington State
I know the website states that the M60 series will work in the both the 6P and G2, but I'm curious as to whether the 6P actually provides better heat dissapation and improved life of the LED?

In my case I'll be using either the Z2 or G2Z. Cost is not a factor, it's just that the G2Z fits the holster I'll be using a little better. I don't have a Malkoff yet (always sold out when I check), but it will be either the M60L or M60LL.

Another question: is the M60LL noticably brighter than the stock P60 lamp? That may be a tough comparision due to LED vs. incandescent.
I only carry my Malkoff M60's in 6P's. In my G2's I have M60LL (8 hrs. @ 80 or so lumens.) And yes, I perfer it to the P60 or P60L FWIW my .02.

From Malkoff website about the M60 in plactic lights,

"Note: This drop-in module was intended to operate at maximum brightness for tactical usage similar to the original setup. Operating the unit for more than 15 continuous minutes in plastic lights may cause damage to the drop-in module. This is not an issue in metal lights."
I have Malkoffs in two of my flashlights, a 6P and a 9P. Every time I use them (depress the switch or twist) they light up. I like that. The beam is white and as bright as you could practically use, and I like that.

Last but not least Gene is a stand up guy that will answer any question you have and work with you any way he can. I like that too.

If you have any doubts contact Gene himself in my experience that is the best way. He cares about what he does, and that is rare.