malkoff voltage question.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
malkoff site states the 2-3 cell D dropin should not run higher then 5.5 v.

"Do not run this drop-in module above its rated input spec of 5.5v, doing so will destroy the power circuitry."

if D cells are 1.2v each, in a 3 x D mag thats 3.6v.

would it be foolish of me to put my 2 or 3 D malkoff dropin into a 4 x D maglite to offer the dropin 4 x 1.2v = 4.8v?

am i missing something:thinking:
"Do not run this drop-in module above its rated input spec of 5.5v, doing so will destroy the power circuitry."

would it be foolish of me to put my 2 or 3 D malkoff dropin into a 4 x D maglite to offer the dropin 4 x 1.2v = 4.8v?

It seems like it should work - but I would expect more heat than with the 4-6 cell Malkoff drop-in. I think it would be prudent to send a message to Malkoff and ask them the same question.
How about this:
I have a Malkoff drop-in for a 4-6 D cell Maglite. What if I were to purchase 2 x AW C Cell Lithium rechargeables, put them in C to D adaptors and put them into a 2D Maglite with my Malkoff. 2 x LiIon is the same voltage as 6 x NiMh so it should work fine shouldn't it?
As long as the "nominal" voltage is kept to 5.5v or below you are fine. So yes 4 x NIMH will work well for this. The original intent is for the dropin to be used with alkalines. Hence 2-3 D.

Thanks, Gene
How about this:
I have a Malkoff drop-in for a 4-6 D cell Maglite. What if I were to purchase 2 x AW C Cell Lithium rechargeables, put them in C to D adaptors and put them into a 2D Maglite with my Malkoff. 2 x LiIon is the same voltage as 6 x NiMh so it should work fine shouldn't it?

looks like you can go up to 9. volts.

Do not run this drop-in module above its rated spec of 9v doing so will destroy the power circuitry.
How about this:
I have a Malkoff drop-in for a 4-6 D cell Maglite. What if I were to purchase 2 x AW C Cell Lithium rechargeables, put them in C to D adaptors and put them into a 2D Maglite with my Malkoff. 2 x LiIon is the same voltage as 6 x NiMh so it should work fine shouldn't it?
AW C cells are a little longer than normal C cells, it might not fit in a C to D cell adapter.

waddup, alkaline D cells are 1.5 volt and Nimh rechargeable D cells are 1.2 volt. If you put it in a 4 cell light, make sure you don't use alkaline cells in it or you will ruin your malkoff.

*edit* Also not that if you put your 2-3D malkoff in a 4D host, someone else might put 4D alkalines in and ruin your malkoff. :faint:
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