Malkoff vs. WE Tinting


Jan 16, 2007
Hi Everyone,

I was searching to find out how the tint and output compare between the Malkoff Devices drop-in, and the Wolf-Eyes HO 170, and the WE HO 190 drop ins. I found a thead with beamshots of the Malkoff and the HO 170 ( -- thanks 021411), and to my eyes at least, the Malkoff appears to be cooler. However, a lot of the other threads that I read tout that the Malkoff is warmer and whiter than the WE. So, I'm a bit confused, and wanted to see if anyone could give a definitive answer based on the latest drop-ins from WE and from Gene.
I didn't find too much on the WE HO 190 drop ins, and I'm not sure what the tint binning is supposed to be for either the 170 or 190. But for those of you get the Malkoff Devices newsletter, you've heard that Gene is getting some new Q4 crees, though they are slightly cooler (I prefer the warmer, but I'm sure it will be great, like all of Gene's work). Anyway--thanks in advance for the help!
Well, I'm kind of glad that no one was able to post with an answer, becasue I had to go out and buy both :grin2:. Here's what I found:

The hotspot of the WE drop in is a bit brighter than the one on the Malkoff dropin. If I had to guess, I'd say the WE puts out a slight bit more light (but it's really close, and I could be wrong, b/c the tint and beam shape is different). However, the Malkoff dropin is considerably warmer than the WE, which makes it the winner for me. I love the tint on the Malkoff dropin, and the beam is smoother too. As always, Gene's work is phenominal. I have no complaints about the WE light either, and I use both regularly--depends on your preference, and the job of the light.

A few more observations: the WE drop in has a larger spill area than the Malkoff. The WE also has a brighter, more concentrated hot-spot. The Malkoff drop-in has a slightly dimmer, but larger hotspot. For me--more close up use--I prefer the Malkoff hotspot. The tint, as I said, is cooler on the WE. Dual mode is also an advantage of the WE. Both are a perfect fit in the lights that I have. Obviously, everone has different preferences in a light. You can't go wrong with either, and I'd STRONGLY recommend owning both:twothumbs. If anyone has any other questions, just drop me a pm or post--I'll be happy to help if I can. Hope that's helpful to some of you!