Malkoff Wildcat MD3 V2 - Bargain of the year!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
When I started on this high-end flashlight journey September 2008, $50 to me was a shed load to spend on a light but I bit the bullet and purchased a Fenix L2D Q5 premium and have been bitten by the bug every since.

My latest acquisition: The mighty Malkoff Wildcat MD3 V2 is hands down, the best quality light I have ever seen!!

When you consider that this light actually contains 3 McGizmo reflectors designed especially for this application, you realise that the $265 minus 5% CPF discount entry fee is IMHO the:
:party:Bargain of the Year!!!:party:
I guess it's the combination of a perfect beam & tint, heavy weight heat sink & epoxy, top grade machining, very compact size, hi/lo output & both lithium & lithium ion battery compatability that allows the Wildcat to be a truely unique product offering. Imagine strapping three 9Ps with M61s together - now you have the same output of a single Wildcat V2! Now imagine shrinking this down to the size of a single 9P with a 1.8 inch head - that's what the V2 offers!!

The workmanship of the Wildcat Head is the best I have seen from Gene. It is completely overbuilt with very smooth threads allowing the hi/lo mode selection to be a thing of beauty!!:drool:

Check out this beam shot: very smooth hotspot to spill transition:

Now check out how compact this 750 lumen light is beside a 80 lumen LED 3W 2D Mag:


The more I use this light, the more convinced I am of its' permanent place in my light arsenal.​

To all those out there with the V2, you know exactly what I am talking about here, but to those others wanting excellent short to medium distance spotting but still want a nicely balanced beam for close up use, the V2 is an excellent choice - no rings or dark voids in the beam - perfection!!​

To anybody who hasn't experienced the V2 but has used a Malkoff Triple for Mag C/D, the comparision is chalk & cheese - the V2 looks around 1/3rd brighter to my eyes and offers superior throw.​

The runtime on high with my reasonably new AW 18500's is spot on at around 1 hour 15 minutes. The low mode runtime of 15 hours is yet to be confirmed:p

I am by no means a wealthy person and it is true that I had to sell some of my other lights to allow this purchase but in short, the Wildcat V2 has proven to be my most satisfying purchase to date and to know I am helping out a fellow owner/operator family business is the icing on the cake.​

Thanks for reading my dribble.​

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Being fortunate enough to own two of these beautiful pieces of work, I can confrim that you are 100% correct in everything that you have said about the V2 Wildcat!

It is one heck of a light!


Here it is compared to Gene's new M61!


Great outdoor shots - photos like yours formed part of my buying decision.



Being fortunate enough to own two of these beautiful pieces of work, I can confrim that you are 100% correct in everything that you have said about the V2 Wildcat!

It is one heck of a light!


Here it is compared to Gene's new M61!


Hi, first time poster here, but I've been lurking around this forum for a while now. Since my brother-in-law got me an Eagletac M2XC4 (neutral light) flashlight last year for my birthday, I became really fascinated about how bright these flashlights can get. My current and biggest interest right now is this new Malkoff MD3. Would you or anyone else know if this light would be a big upgrade to my M2XC4 or will I not see any difference?

BTW, thanks for the beamshots! And... lovecpf
Yes, if having a light with M61 it's not hard to imagine how bright the new Wildcat is. I understand it's practically the same as coupling three M61 together, I think the LED and reflector are exactly the same?
I have the older MD3 Wildcat... And I love it! :twothumbs
Amazingly overbuilt, fantastic runtime for 500 lumens and runs off either 2 18500s or 3 CR(orRCR)123s...
I must say I prefer the optic beam from the older model... But hey, I've always had a preference towards optics... ;)
The new MD3 is a huge bargain for a very compact barn-burner. All the talk about the M3LT and its output, runtime and regulation really suggest to me how brilliant Gene is and what a great job he's doing with his designs.
How long is the wait time? Almost everything Malkoff makes has been sold out for the last couple of months...:mecry:
To me, MD4 makes a lot more sense as it runs on the much more common 18650, plus they have a much higher capacity than 18500 for being just a bit longer.

AW's 18500s are 1500 mAh, but you can get 18650 that are 2600 and up mAh.

Plus you can (or should be able to) use 4x123 for greater runtime.

My only reservation about MD* is the non-standard tailcap. I don't understand why it's not made to accept standard 6P tailcap.

That notwithstanding, great lite, impressive on paper and real life, I should get one someday.
Definitely no 4x123 on the v2 per the site and per a note from Gene when I ordered the 4 body, for 2 18650 only.
To me, MD4 makes a lot more sense as it runs on the much more common 18650, plus they have a much higher capacity than 18500 for being just a bit longer.

AW's 18500s are 1500 mAh, but you can get 18650 that are 2600 and up mAh.

Plus you can (or should be able to) use 4x123 for greater runtime.

My only reservation about MD* is the non-standard tailcap. I don't understand why it's not made to accept standard 6P tailcap.

That notwithstanding, great lite, impressive on paper and real life, I should get one someday.

the new Wildcat cannot run on the 12V from 4 XCR123 primaries. The old one did. He changed the drive circuitry of this to more effectively match the driver to the XP-G LEDs. This will run great off of 2 18500s, 2X 18650's, or 3 CR123 primaries depending on host length. It draws less current with more lumens output so you get a great value of light versus power draw even using 2X18500s. Enjoy.
Sounds like the light I want. So when will I be able to buy one? SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT.

Is there a waiting list with back orders?
$45 adds a complete MD4 tube and tailcap to an MD3 that will give you flexibility for primary and rechargeable use. Not bad, considering that some SureFire tailcaps alone cost almost that much or more.

To me, MD4 makes a lot more sense as it runs on the much more common 18650, plus they have a much higher capacity than 18500 for being just a bit longer.

AW's 18500s are 1500 mAh, but you can get 18650 that are 2600 and up mAh.

Plus you can (or should be able to) use 4x123 for greater runtime.

My only reservation about MD* is the non-standard tailcap. I don't understand why it's not made to accept standard 6P tailcap.

That notwithstanding, great lite, impressive on paper and real life, I should get one someday.
Does anyone know how the beam's compare between V1 and V2 ?

I know V1 uses 4 XRE's + 4 Optics, outputs seem similar, just wondering.
Does anyone know how the beam's compare between V1 and V2 ?

I know V1 uses 4 XRE's + 4 Optics, outputs seem similar, just wondering.

Gen1 throws a huge circular spot, while Gen2 is noticably brighter with the M61 smoothness from spot-to-flood beam.

They are both great. :D

Both tints are great, I like the tint on Gen1 better if I had to pick.
Someone should do a comparo of this and the OpticsHQ TX4 head.

Similar size and output?