Matco light mod complete!

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Newly Enlightened
Jul 3, 2009
Bloomington, IN
Well after weeks of waiting, the parts came in and this light looks great! Replaced the rebel emitter with a P7 and drilled out the button hole to except standard rubber buttons. It also takes 18650s now rather than the propriatary ni-cad battery it came with. It also handles heat much better with the aluminum reflector and GLASS (not plastic) lens! See before and after pictures below and more pictures on flicker here.


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Cool, nice user! Never seen that one before. I just visted the truck again yesterday & picked up another ratchet. I miss working at the shop. I bought my first user flashlight from the Matco truck but it was just a Stinger. Still got it though.
hey i was just given the same light as a gift from my dad and would like to "copy yours". really like the flashlight but kinda dull compared to the few fenix's and one surefire i have. Would reeally like to make it even better seeing as i will never get rid of it. Would u mind giving me sort of a "dummies guide" to what exactly u bought and how u went about it? have never modded a light before and i know my dad would think it was really cool to makee it better. PS i couldnt find any info on this liight except this thread. Thanks in advance
Thanks for the quick response str8stroke! I did know it was an old thread but no kidding this is the only picture of this light ive been able to find everywhere ive looked, it seems to be a well built light but obviously old and kinda of a "turd" compared to newer lights. Ill contact this forum member and see if maybe he can help. Thank u for ur help. Great board!
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