MC-E Driver for an SSC P7


Newly Enlightened
Mar 31, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
I went to the usual place for SSC P7 drivers and accidentially ordered 3 MC-E drivers. How many lumens do you think I'll lose driving a P7 with an MC-E board?
I know that the MC-E is suposed to be driven at 3.4v and the P7 around 3.6-3.7v. Now I'm just wondering if it's worth taking my lights apart to switch the drivers out for the correct ones.
Some of the user comments for the DX SSC P7 seem to suggest that the voltage bin is I-bin (3.25V-3.50V), even though the ad implies J-bin (3.50V to 3.75V). Either way, these small voltage differences vs. an MC-E (in 4P) probably don't matter.

The driver is claimed to be constant current. The ad copy also says:

-Be compatible to CREE/N2---P4---Q5---R2---R4---MC-E;SSC/P4—P7;
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if its some junk parallel driver --> has no effect at all, MC-E and P7 are the same then

if its a series driver (as should be with a series mounted MC-E) --> :poof: