mc2 Eagle, tk40, legion II - which one?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 15, 2007

I have read the forums for a while in a search for the perfect flashlight for me. At the moment I have Maglite 5D, Fenix P2 and Fenix TK10. The TK10 is a great light for me at the moment, but you know... In time you want someting more :devil:. My aim now is to get the most powerful and and the same time the smallest flashlight available on market. Basically the idea is, that I can carry it in my pocket or attached to the belt and do not worry all the time about weight or size. I know there could be flashlights of Maglite 6D size or MaxaBeam size which can give you a really perfect throw, but I'm not interested in carrying the batteries on my back. All I want is the max small size with the max throw ability. First I wanted the TK40, then I read about MC2 Eagle, and finally I found the Legion II. I am interested in at least 500 lumens (I have 220 in my TK10, so I have the comparison). I know, there could be different suggestion to my request, but please, could you just give me simple answer what has the better throw and at the same time is the smallest as portabilityand flexibility is important to me. Durablility is not so important to me, however I obviously (as probably most of you) cannot accept any cheap / plastic-fantastic inventions "made in Albania" , if you know what I mean. Hope I made myself clear.
I can not answer really, what do you want to pay?
I think best for the money is the EagleTac, the design and construction of the TK40 i dont like, the Legion is a vey special light i have not, but it has much higher price, so i think you cant compare.
Well you have to ask yourself which ones out of the three, you can actually buy and get now! it seems the legion II can't be had that easily :shakehead my vote goes to the Eagletac 😀

[edit]Also it would be fair to say Eagletac and Fenix give excellent CS the other well! reports suggest it's non existent and I have to agree.
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All three of those would be big for daily belt carry. Unless I worked in a cave I would only strap one of those on for a speacial purpose.

If all you want is 500 lumens you should expand that list. You should look at the Wolf Eyes MC-E Explorer. It's not 500 out the front but it has to be close to that since it's 580 emitter and it would fit inside the battery tube of the TK40. Then there's the Olight M30 and the new Tiablo and JetBeam offerings as well. Of course don't forget Dereelight and Malkoff who are making P60 sized MC-E modules and hosts.

The MC-E is where it's at for what you're asking for.
They are all pretty different lights. Takes different batteries. The eagletac has the best throw among the three.
The Legion 2 has the highest output.
The tk40 has just been proven to be extremely well built.
If you want a low low, then the Legion II is out of the question.
In many ways, this is the question of our time...

I can say that the EagleTac M2 series (I have both the triple Cree and the P7) are superb! Plus, the design was recently updated to tweak things a bit--excellent all around.

I am a huge fan of Fenix and think that the TK40 is a phenomenal light. It is not quite what I am looking for with the battery situation, but is a powerhouse.

The Legion II... ah, I am so in love... but just peek at the thread in the marketplace... there are some serious issues surrounding this light and I'm deeply concerned that folks are going to have trouble getting their money back if things don't materialize. I don't want to talk trash, but just check it out for yourself.

Also check out:

Very nice review and beamshots, thanks. I shouldn't have opened that link, now I want MicroFire Warrior 3500 :devil: :nana: Gees, that throw... But 500$...:broke:
Well, surprisingly to me the TK40 looks rather poor on this test, regardless it's 600 lumens... 😕

You can get HID's much cheaper then the Microfire, if your living in the US, try searching for "Stanley HID 3000", it is $70and has lots of throw (But the battery :thumbsdow).
The TK40 is not a thrower, but more of a flood light, it has about the same lights output as the others.
In many ways, this is the question of our time...

I can say that the EagleTac M2 series (I have both the triple Cree and the P7) are superb! Plus, the design was recently updated to tweak things a bit--excellent all around.

I am a huge fan of Fenix and think that the TK40 is a phenomenal light. It is not quite what I am looking for with the battery situation, but is a powerhouse.

The Legion II... ah, I am so in love... but just peek at the thread in the marketplace... there are some serious issues surrounding this light and I'm deeply concerned that folks are going to have trouble getting their money back if things don't materialize. I don't want to talk trash, but just check it out for yourself.

Also check out:


Ouch. I know the LII was not going well, but it looks like it's getting ugly. Too bad, I thought it might have been a compelling light at the $170 mark but I don't think it's going to make it. I guess that's the difference between production lights and "experimental" lights though.
Ouch. I know the LII was not going well, but it looks like it's getting ugly. Too bad, I thought it might have been a compelling light at the $170 mark but I don't think it's going to make it. I guess that's the difference between production lights and "experimental" lights though.

Word. I keep praying that NeoFab finds a way to pull it out... but with even BIGGER guns like the Pilot Whale (1000 lumens!) coming soon, I think it may have to step aside...
JetBeam M1X!

Off the Legion 2 bandwagon, eh? 😗

Maybe it's a ... safer idea to stick to established manufacturers and products before making recommendations. :sssh:

To the OP, if you've read the Legion II marketplace thread ... it's a qualified disaster at this point as far as I can tell. It all began with best intentions and a dream ... then reality reared it's ugly mug and it's been less of a smooth transaction for Neo and his customers, so to speak.

I hope it all works out in the end. But for now, it's probably a better idea to scratch Legion II off your list.

If portability is first and foremost on your list then you should take a look at the Olight m30 triton ... the review here on the forums shows the relative size of the Olight compared to other direct mc-e competitors ... and from a size and portability standpoint - it's a winner.
Off the Legion 2 bandwagon, eh? 😗

Maybe it's a ... safer idea to stick to established manufacturers and products before making recommendations. :sssh:

To the OP, if you've read the Legion II marketplace thread ... it's a qualified disaster at this point as far as I can tell. It all began with best intentions and a dream ... then reality reared it's ugly mug and it's been less of a smooth transaction for Neo and his customers, so to speak.

I hope it all works out in the end. But for now, it's probably a better idea to scratch Legion II off your list.

If portability is first and foremost on your list then you should take a look at the Olight m30 triton ... the review here on the forums shows the relative size of the Olight compared to other direct mc-e competitors ... and from a size and portability standpoint - it's a winner.

Emm. After all, we get enough standard version LEGION II, and people are receiving their Legion II. Sorry for making you unhappy for the long long waiting. Yes. It's quite disappointing, but the light still worth a looking.

Yours, Neoseikan
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