I work at Lowe's, and noticed one customer had in his wallet a business card with a Maglite embossed on it when he went to pay. I asked him if he worked for Maglite, which he did. When I began asking about the new LED C-cell lights, he realized I was no regular unenlightened cashier. He told me all about the new 7-mode C LED's, when they would be released, and about their new "Mag Beam Alignment System", where, from my understanding, the user can slide the head to center and focus the LED. We didn't talk for more than two minutes, so he didn't have the chance to fully explain the system before the next customer came to the register. He mentioned as he was leaving about a new Mag-Charger, based on the technology from the 7-mode C-cell light (focusing, heatsink, and driver is my guess) and them handed me his business card. Turns out he is Sales Manager of National Accounts, based in Hayward, Wisconsin. Wonder what he was going all the way over in the suburbs of Chicago? He then surprised me a few minutes later when he returned with a brochure for the new multi-mode AA, new D cell, and forthcoming ML100 (7-mode C-cell) lights. The ML100 will come in 2C and 3C configurations and in 5 colors: black, red, silver, blue, grey (pewter?). They look completely redesigned, as opposed to the D-cell LED's which use the incandescent body and head. I was trying to remember everything he told me, but am fairly confident Maglite is planning for a September release of the ML100 series of lights. Any interest in a scan of the brochure?