Metal embedded in OSB - hit with saw


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 1, 2007
SW Ohio
I was cutting OSB on the table saw when there was a loud zing and this piece of steel came flying out! It turns out to be somebody's 6" stainless rule that was embedded in the OSB sheet. Holy crap that can be dangerous! The carbide blade is ruined as it got chipped. It was a 40 tooth blade. I'm glad I didn't have the $200 blade installed...

So that ruler was actually embedded inside the sheet of OSB???:faint:

I would see about contacting the lumber company to see about quality control and a replacement blade for you.

Thats INSANE!!:shakehead

Glad you didn't get hurt.:wave:

Definitely contact the lumber company, and see if they will replace the saw blade.
It probably was sticking out a bit and I didn't see it. It was not on the side up surface as I was cutting the board.. You can see bits of wood glued to the surface of the metal. It seems to have entered into the production stage before it is squeezed to make the flat sheet. It might have entered with the wood chips because it has many dings and bends. Stainless used in these rulers is fairly hard.

It certainly isn't mine. I never owned one like that.

I might take it to Menards to see what they say about all of this.
Happened to me once a couple of years ago. Just a small piece of sheet metal. I've heard several stories of the same from credible sources.

Just one more reason to always wear eye protection.
An ex-girlfriend's father once ran across a small ribbon piece of metal in some board he was sawing - it flew out of the cut and sliced his arm very deeply; he was hospitalized for it and always did have some slight problems with his arm after that.