Microfire Warrior-II issues


Newly Enlightened
Nov 3, 2007
First off, great site!
Recently I purchased a Microfire Warrior-II K2000 24W 1800 (8XCR123A version) from the Fenix online store (great service, they shipped it the same day I ordered it). I have only used it a few times, being careful to let it run for at least 2 minutes, but have noticed that after it has sat a few days sitting, it will not come on. The symptons are I hear something go "bump in the night" outside so grab the Microfire. I get outside, push the rear tailcap button, feel the tactile click, usually the light will "flicker" dimly, purplish light, then go out. I turn it off, again the tactile cllick, repeat turning it on, tactile click. Repeat, a few times with the 2nd attempt onwards not giving any light (with me now pointing the Microfire at my face :eek: to make sure its not even flickering). Usually around the 3rd to 6th time, I get a dim light, which ususally stays on, and after 30+ seconds, I goes to full burn :party:, and what ever went "bump in the night" has decided to leave. :thumbsup:

Any rate, is this normal operation for the Microfire Warrior-II, or a particular issue with mine?

Thanks again for the great site
Sorry for the news but that's not normal operation. Provided that the battery is making good contact, you definitely have a component within your light that is not functioning correctly. You might want to call the Fenix Store and let them know of the issue. They'll instruct you as to what you should regarding a replacement.
Thanks for the reply, I have everything screwed down tight, and using new Surefire batteries, so will send Fenix Online an email.
Thanks again
Fired off an email to Fenix online store on the 27th, but in the mean time had to use the Warrior-II again tonight. Long story short, its worse than I initially thought. The light would cut out after a maybe 5 minutes of extended use. Then fire right back up, run a few minutes, then shut off. Its dark and foggy, and I really needed to light so used a smaller incandesent.
Once I got back inside, I screwed the head off the battery carrier, and LOOKED at it. On the battery carrier there is a small metal chrome button that carriers one of the polarities of current, then a shim on the outside that carriers the other polarity. On the HID frontend that screws onto the battery carrier there is small spring coil that is suppose to match up to the small chrome button. The coil tightest and final coil is bigger than the chrome button, so it does not APPEAR TO ME (IMO) to match up. I think what is going on is what I remember from basic electronic school is called a "high open" caused by bad connection.
When you screw down everything tight, depending on the alignment of this spring coil, you might or might not get a connection at all. I could back it out a little and the light would come on, but flicker, and never go to "full burn".
I bought this light in lieu of a Surefire M6 thinking it was the equalivent. Even when it comes on, it takes a 30+ seconds to get bright, and based on the instructions, you cannot just turn it on and off at will without risking damage. Again, based on the instuctions, I don't see this as being very "tactical", or "instant activating". Bottomline I am really disapointed.
dang and I was looking at one of these yesterday! I was curious about the instant on, I have an AE powerlight and it is by no means instant on, but a good light none the less. Good luck with your light, keep us posted.
jah, what happened when you contacted the Fenix Store. They have always taken care of any problems that I have had with any of their lights. Dave
I "pinched" the spring coil down to a smaller diameter, hopeing to get better alignment. I let the light sit for a few days, and hit the on button. It did in fact light up with the intial purple dim light, then after about 30 seconds, went to full burn! Let it sit again for a couple of days, repeat with same results, so looks like as long as I don't mess with the head unit alignment to the battery compartment unit by screwing it in or out, I am golden.
Best Regards
jah, what happened when you contacted the Fenix Store. They have always taken care of any problems that I have had with any of their lights. Dave
Since I was impatient, and "adjusted" the spring coil, I don't expect them to take any action. I will chalk it up to lesson learned.
Since I was impatient, and "adjusted" the spring coil, I don't expect them to take any action. I will chalk it up to lesson learned.

So....may I ask what their response was or why you don't expect them to take any action? I'm just asking because you stated that it was recently purchased. The Fenix-Store normally takes good care of people and I always like to know if that's still happening.

dang and I was looking at one of these yesterday! I was curious about the instant on, I have an AE powerlight and it is by no means instant on, but a good light none the less. Good luck with your light, keep us posted.

Your AE is a good two leagues above the Microfire with regards to quality. Also, there's no such thing as a true instant on with HID. Even the fastest ones like Polarion take 4-6 seconds to reach full brightness.
So....may I ask what their response was or why you don't expect them to take any action? I'm just asking because you stated that it was recently purchased. The Fenix-Store normally takes good care of people and I always like to know if that's still happening.

After a waiting a few days for a response without one, and having to use it (I had to search a 1/2 mile asphalt in the fog at night), I took matters into my own hands. As I said I pinched the coil, hoping what I was observing about the alignment was the issue.

In todays world, I have grown to expect people to leap at any excuse to avoid accountabllity, so my "expectations" (based on my experience) are "low". Couple my "expectation" with what I thought "instant activating" and "tactical" mean't for the Microfire, I intially thought I was getting a M6 replacement cheaper, with at least 3 times the brightness (500 vs 1800).

Bottomline, I don't expect Fenix-Store to do anything, I monkeyed with the light, ant it works. I did not do any research on the light, I saw 1800 Lumens, "Instant activating", "tactical", and $269 thinking I was getting an M6, only brighter. I now know much more, particarlly about HIDs (thanks CPF), lesson learned.

Fenix-Store did in fact reply Friday, but my SPAM filters nuked it prior to me reading it. I have asked them to resend, explaining that I pinched down the coil to mitagate the issue.

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