Milky's Mods for an E1L???


Aug 28, 2007
Being new to the world of light torches, (and to the forum...:wave:) I had no idea, until recently that it was even possible to mod a light, and I'm sure I am still unaware of the full potential which can be reached by those such as Milky and other master craftsmen here on CPF. That being said, my current collection of unmodded lights include (not including the few MagLights which are almost 10yrs old): SF U2 w/plastic insert, E2L-Cree, E1L, E1L-Cree (just purchased and awaiting delivery), JET-I MKII X-Cree and JetBeam-AAA.

I recently placed an order with AW for a few rechargeables for all of my lights and was fortunate enough to find an individual looking to get rid of a lot of SF parts (E1L body w/ 2 tail switches) and a complete E2L which I plan to use only the body to house the new 17670s for my E2L-Cree. Now that leaves me with an extra KL1 head/E1L to mod. I have searched all over the forum as well as over in the MarrketPlace for a mod that will allow me to increase the output, while either keeping the regulated runtime close to stock or increasing it. I have come across a few threads which discuss modding the E1L, and selling a modded E1L but not nearly as many as the ones for the L1.

From what I have read over the past few days in regards to this matter, I can not decide whether to contact Milky and make arrangements to send my E1L in to him to complete the task, (if so which parts should be used to complete the goal) as I am certain it will come out much much better this way, or should I attempt to tackle this one as cryhavok has (1st link above) and sacrifice the additional runtime/perfect install for the experience of a DIY???

I am definitely a hands-on type of person. I have owned numerous cars and very rarely have any of them stayed the way I bought them from the dealer. That is until my son was born (he will be 1yr on the 15th). Now it is not so much making the family cars/SUVs faster and more high-performance as it is making sure there is a rear seat dvd player to keep the baby boy content on long trips... The same goes for many other areas of interest (small electronics, cell phones, etc...) as well, so I guess it was only a matter of time before I became intrigued by the world of light mods.

I see very few individuals tackling the mods themselves and see that more get sent to the master craftsmen such as Milky to do the work for them. Is this due to the fact that there is so much at steak ($$$) if one so much as slips and breaks something? Is the task too difficult/involved for most, and the equipment (tools/replacement parts) not possible to obtain? Or...(and I hope this is the answer to my question)...are the individuals such as Milky so skilled and their work so superior that one is just better off letting them do the work and getting it done right the first time around???

Any comments/recommendations are welcome and I would like to thank those who take the time to reply to my post.

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I wouldnt hessitate sending it to Milky hes an awesome guy to deal with.

He'll be able help you decide what emitter / driver you need for your desired effect.
I wouldnt hessitate sending it to Milky hes an awesome guy to deal with.

He'll be able help you decide what emitter / driver you need for your desired effect.
+1 The biggest problem with modding these heads is getting them open without melting anything inside or damaging the finish. I have made several attempts at opening the Gen 4 KL1's without success. I've tried boiling them, heat guns, strap wrenches, vise grips w leather and I haven't gotten one to budge yet. That doesn't mean you won't get one open, I just said the heck with it and let him do it. And as Mad one said, he know's the different combinations way better than I do.
It's not inexpensive but I haven't heard any complaint's yet. Give him a holler, just keep in mind he's a busy guy and may take a few days to answer. :D
I had some experience in KL1 mod.
You have to define your need before modding. You can select the one of modding option in follows.
1. Only swap the Lux with SSC P4
2. Swap the Lux with SSC P4 and replace the stock optic with reflector (McR-20-S)
3. Above #1 or #2 + modded circuit to get higher output.