Mini Mag LED driver question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

Just wondering which is positive and negative to LED ? Left and right sides ? [ Which is which ]
The Mag 2 cell LED bulb circuit board, that I used for my Mag 2C light modification, was positive on the same side as the little hole in the circuit board. (The hole at the bottom left in your photo.) If the circuit board in your photo is the same configuration, the LED connector on the left should be LED positive, and the one on the right should be LED negative.

Here is a photo of the Mag 2 cell LED bulb circuit board:

Yellow is battery positive (it connects to the terminal at the top of the circuit board in this photo)

Red is LED positive

Both black leads are negative, battery (on the bottom) and LED (on the right)

Here is the thread I started, so you can see what I'm talking about:
Russel, sorry to drift off topic, but what kind of performance do you get with a magmod using the Magled circuit? No dimming due to heat of course, so you should get full output all the time right?

I never thought to use that as a driver, very clever!
Russel, sorry to drift off topic, but what kind of performance do you get with a magmod using the Magled circuit? No dimming due to heat of course, so you should get full output all the time right?

I never thought to use that as a driver, very clever!

I've taken Mag3D LED modules and installed the drivers in 3D dorcy LEDs...results are fair, not cost effective for the output.
Tracing the board circuit seems to show that the collector pin of the transistor (the 3-pin device in the lower left) is connected to the LED contact on the left, which should be LED+. Pin 4 (Isense) of the C300 boost IC (the 5-pin IC in the lower right) is connected to the emitter pin of the transistor, and both are connected to the R050 sense resistor. The other end of the sense resistor is connected to the LED contact on the right, which should be LED-.

Vsense for the C300 IC is 19mV. For the sense resistor value of R050, the drive current in theory should be 380mA.

Interesting that Pins 1 and 3 of the C300 are tied together, since Pin 3 has no function. For the C310, Pin 3 controls shutdown mode, so presumably the MagLED board is designed with the C310 IC in mind as a slipstream upgrade. Don't see any diodes or caps (the small cap in the bottom right corner looks like it's on the input side) on the output side, so it looks like the driver sends pulse/switched current to the LED.

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