Mini RA twisty


Nov 5, 2008
A light I really want. A mini RA Twisty running on a cr123 cell. Just wish I could make that happen some how. This light scaled down to a key chain size light would be the best thing since sliced bread.
Your title scared me ! In fact, it scared my wallet...

A dream light ! I would want to see it using CR2 to be compact as possible.
What features would you be willing to give up?

The body's a little thicker than the average CR123A light, and there's the extra length for the springs, but there's not a lot of wasted volume that could be easily eliminated.
What features would you be willing to give up?

The body's a little thicker than the average CR123A light, and there's the extra length for the springs, but there's not a lot of wasted volume that could be easily eliminated.

I simply want to see a key chain version of this light. Perhaps if enough people are interested it may happen. Lots of cheap crap mini cr123 lights out there. I just want a really good one. If this model can not be scaled down guess it can not be then. I sure would get in line if they wanted to make a mini twisty cr123 light.
You might very well be quite happy with something like the Nitecore EZ123. It's about as compact as you can make a CR123 light even if it is not RA tough.
You might very well be quite happy with something like the Nitecore EZ123. It's about as compact as you can make a CR123 light even if it is not RA tough.

The nitecore is very compact. However I am looking for a top quality light. I know about the surefire t1a but it is pretty big. If the quality of nitecore was better, the size is great for a key chain. The foam ring the nitecore has sounds like a reliability problem. From what I understand it makes it hard to use full brightness.
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Go for it, just put it on your keychain. That's where mine (modded with a 93 CRI emitter) is. So nice to have such a good light with me all the time.

Edit: Realized you don't have the light yet... But if you had one, you might not be able to prevent yourself from putting it on your keychain and carrying it around. Let's hope Henry gets the new version out soon, since the old ones are only available used now.
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The nitecore web site is gone. Is this light still available? 4 sevens says no re order for this light.
To make a light in the Ra tradition would mean to make it "Tougher Than Chuck"; with battery, electronics and lens protection second to none. My point is that A Ra light will never be even close to the smallest in it's battery classification. Bigger than average, for sure.

There are CR2 lights out there that are small enough for most to use on a keychain. But even if Henry made one, it probably wouldn't be small enough for most.
I have a NiteCore EZ CR2 and a Quark MiNi 123. The MiNi 123 is a couple mm wider, a mm shorter, and noticeably brighter than the EZ CR2. I dont's expect either to have anywhere near the durability of the Ra Twisty. The only keychain-sized lights whose durability I might put that kind of faith in would be the Muyshondt Nautilus (123) and Aeon (CR2) - the titanium models in particular.
You could look for a 2-stage DSpeck Firefly. Those things had to be tuned a bit for the 2-stage switch to work reliably, and you might want to upgrade the led to a more modern one, but they were small and solid and implemented a 2-level single-twist UI. There was also a 3-level version but I don't know if it was single twist. I haven't seen a Titan or compared the measurements so I don't know if it's comparably small.
I love my Ra lights, and they're absolutely tanks, so it pains me to say this, but...

Have you considered a 4Sevens QMiNi 123? It's a 1xCR123 extremely small in stature with a fairly straightforward twisty interface.

It's not a Ra, it's not built like a Ra, it's probably nowhere near as durable as a Ra, but it's also nowhere near the size of a Ra and for $40 shipped it's well within most people's budgets to purchase on a whim and try out.

If you're going to start making the Twisty (or Clicky, my chosen poison) smaller you're going to have to use less material, have thinner walls, smaller springs, less circuit board area for programability. In short, you're making a Q MiNi anyway.

I bought the MiNi in AA (I don't have any other AA lights and narrower was more important to me than short), and for the price it's a great light! I still carry my Ra Clicky but my NW MiNi fills a nice niche as a small edc light.

Q MiNi 123

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