Modded my RA clicky tactical button into a tailstander


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2008
I just had to do it.
I like it 10 times better now.

I replaced the stock boot with some circles cut from a bicycle inner tube.

I was going to use some nice silicone sheet that I have, but it was too thin.

It feels great, it's tough and grippy.

The action is even better than my Novatac, because it has a nice dome, instead of the nearly flat button on the 120P.

I am sure someone else has done this before, but I am lost anytime I search for "clicky" anything.

BTW, it is as waterproof as the stock boot, it is compressed tightly just like stock.

here are a few pics.



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Thanks for the pics and nice work! How difficult was the disassembly? As I understand it, the longer circular wire holds the the tail cap onto the battery tube. It looks like those semi circles hold the clicky switch assembly to the tail cap? Any tricks to removing them?
Thanks for the inspiration, tailstanding is an important use for me and it wasn't even close to being able to stand.
I didn't have any innertube but I did have the blue/black patches so I used 2 sized the same as the original rubber cap. A single thickness didn't seem to create a good enough seal between the PCB and the back of the cap. 2 thicknesses was a little tighter than stock but it didn't have the detent around the edge. Not so tight as to cause failure but a wee bit more pressure was required to get the clips in.

Here's the old one. Would not tailstand.

And the new one. Not gonna win any beauty contests, but it's flat!