Modding my UK D8. need some help


Newly Enlightened
May 9, 2009
I have this diving light which uses two halogen bulbs.
main (20w) and backup (14w).
on the main bulb the output is about 200lm as I understood.

I want to mod it with r2 led emitter to get a bit more lm and white color.

This light uses 8 * D-size batteries = 9.6Volts.
I thought of buying this emitter:
and this board:

Take a look at the body:

This is the reflector:

connection to the battery:

inside the reflcetor:

As you can see the is no problem putting the R2 led into this reflector.
The only problem is the heat sinking, Do you have any Ideas?
I have done something similar for the older UK1200:

I think you will be disappointed with a single R2 in the stock reflector (been there, done that). If you are going to use a single emmitter, look at getting a large reflector or optic specifically designed for the LED. This will mean cutting back of the stock reflector.

As for a heatsink, get a round slug of copper or aluminium, and screw / rivet in place of the stock bulb holder. The bigger the slug of heatsink material, the better.

Pretty much any mods will require destroying the stock reflector, and circuit board, so this will not be reversable. This was why I went full out and put in 6 Cree Q5's
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I figured out how to mod UK D8 without destroying the stock reflector.
Cut a piece of polycarbonate, which sits on top of batteries, and has couple of springs pressing the batteries. Bent & sinked two paperclips to the housing, acting as latches.
After polycarb deck is pressed on top of batteries, paperclips secure it.

Abandoded the project when I noticed that 8 * 1.5V batteries powered three XR-E Q5 modules only for 4 seconds :(

Based on your experience, it seems that my batteries were simply dead. So D size batteries should be able to give 1A current?