Moderators closing threads

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Nov 5, 2008
Why are moderators in such a hurry to close threads? I was not aware of a different thread that talked about the aluminum titan. However my thread brought up different and important points not covered by the thread the moderator referenced. Gee thanks for closing my thread, now I wont know if the problems have been worked out in the aluminum version, or if this is a regulated light. I won't know because you closed the thread.:mad:
It is often easier to have all information pertinent to a particular topic consolidated into an existing thread rather than having it spread over several different threads. Can you imagine the chaos if everyone just started a new thread if an existing thread discussing it already existed? :thinking:

Btw I suspect this thread will be moved soon because the LED Flashlights forum is not the appropriate place for this question...
Why are moderators in such a hurry to close threads? I was not aware of a different thread that talked about the aluminum titan. However my thread brought up different and important points not covered by the thread the moderator referenced. Gee thanks for closing my thread, now I wont know if the problems have been worked out in the aluminum version, or if this is a regulated light. I won't know because you closed the thread.:mad:

Posting this kind of messages it not a good idea, you risk being banned for some time. This is explained in the rules for this board.

If you have any complains about moderators, it has to be done in private mails and if they can see you point, they may reconsider the closing (But don't count on it).
I looked at your profile since I didn't recognize your username.
You have 28 posts here, and have started 10 threads. Seven of them having to do with the SF E1B.
This will be the fifth one to be locked. I think you would benefit from reading the guidelines for posting, and learning to use the search function.
And calm down.
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