I recently purchased a Tan L2 as my first Solarforce light. I've done many forum searches regarding a momentary switch mod for this light (think Surefire twisty style). It seems like most (all?) want to convert to a forward clicky, and I have found the Jet or Romisen continually referenced as a straight forward drop-in (with minor boot nubin cutting) for that purpose. However, I've not found a thread on how to mod to forward momentary. Does such a mod exist?
Also, I put a generic R2 drop-in, in my new L2. I discovered the included reverse clicky switch to be a two stage design. First click on yields full power, the second click yields roughly half power (I currently have no way to measure actual outputs). The third click turns it back off.
This is a dangerous hobby to get started in. I already have an L2m on order.
Also, I put a generic R2 drop-in, in my new L2. I discovered the included reverse clicky switch to be a two stage design. First click on yields full power, the second click yields roughly half power (I currently have no way to measure actual outputs). The third click turns it back off.
This is a dangerous hobby to get started in. I already have an L2m on order.