Monterey Flashaholic Gathering on May 16, 2008?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Hi guys,

This is my first attempt at a flashaholic gathering, so please bear with me. I don't even know if this is feasible, so here it goes. On May 16 there will be "Language Day" over at DLI in Monterey, CA. DLI is an Army base that teaches foreign languages to military personnel. It'll take place on the base and everyone from CA will gather to celebrate various languages from around the world. I'll be there the whole day, and I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.

For the flashlight gathering I think sometime in the evening will be best. The real question is location, location and location. I don't know the area very well, so if anyone has any great ideas for a meeting place that'd be great.

If anyone's interested please let me know, again this is still in the planning stages so I'm taking it one step at a time.


I love Monterey, wish I could visit there again. I lived there for sometime when my father went to schooling at NPS years ago.