Most powerful, brightest, longest throw LED on regular batteries


Apr 25, 2005
Oceanside, CA
Well, once again, a special flashlight of mine has been stolen. My streamlight Propoly Luxeon 4AA to be exact. i really liked this light for many many reasons. I was extremely impressed by its construction, durability, reliability, killer runtime and excellent throw from 4 regular household batteries. It provided many hours of usefulness and it will be missed.

So now I want something that runs on (x amount) of regular household batteries. Are there any lights that fit this description running cree LEDs or SSC? Thanks!
why not just buy another? on the other hand it is a good excuse to update. how about the INOVA T5 or the fenix line of lights?
So sorry to hear about your light being stolen! I know how it feels. I had a favorite bike stolen once, and it sucked like nothing else!

As for a replacement, I'd like to be the first to recommend the Fenix L2D-CE. I know someone else would have recommended it, but I wanted to be the first to do so! :whistle:
If you want to stick with alkaline AAs and don't want to re-buy, i'd say the Streamlight Survivor LED is the one you want.
Still though, that hardly satisfies the "regular batteries" in the title and opening post.

Ilikeshinythings- Consider the PP 3C also. It basically is more of everything. (smirk) Yes, size/weight included, but don't underestimate the value of the clip.
It's a big light, but my Harbor Freight 3-D cell Gordon light with Cree star replacement is easily my longest thrower. Considerably better than my DX U2 clone.
Wow. The Lumapower MRV has won me over. Those comparisons with the Inova T4 are freaking amazing! I mean, there is no comparison at all...I think that thing out-throws my buddies mag-charger!
It's a big light, but my Harbor Freight 3-D cell Gordon light with Cree star replacement is easily my longest thrower. Considerably better than my DX U2 clone.

Sounds like something I would like to have... Do you have the Cree Star Replacement # for the Gordon light... Also Harbor has two Gordon 3-D cells available, which one do you have? Thanks in advance.... :popcorn:
Sorry to hear about your stolen light. That person must have been REALLY jealous.

The most powerful throwing light with normal batteries is probably a Cree Asperical Mag mod. Or you could buy a new Propoly 4AA(stock already out throws any Fenix light, The P3D-CE might be a tiny bit better) and modify it with a Seoul, looks really hard and not recommended if you haven't modded before. There are threads that show how to mod the Porpoly. Now for something a bit easier, probably a Lumapower MRV or a Malkoffdevices Drop-in on 4D cells.

Or just buy another Porpoly. Loosing a light is a good reason to buy another one as a replacement.
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If you really liked the ProPoly and you were really happy with it, why not just get another?

If you want something different, though, you could try a Survivor LED. It's really easy to swap the emitter for a Seoul, too.

Gunner12, it's not so easy to mod a ProPoly's emitter. I think Gryloc and a couple others have done it, but it's a chore.
Sounds like something I would like to have... Do you have the Cree Star Replacement # for the Gordon light... Also Harbor has two Gordon 3-D cells available, which one do you have? Thanks in advance....

his looks like the one I have. It seems to be on sale for $20 pretty often, and that's what I paid.

Maybe it's no longer called a Gordon. Anyway, it uses a standard luxeon star, so the standard-sized (large) Cree star that you can get from DX or Kai will fit. I tried a Seoul SSC-P4 first and it could not handle the current, even though it was well heat-sinked. It started flashing and went dim. The Cree star is a very easy swap and the big reflector works perfectly with it. Be sure to use some thermal compound under the star.
I wouldn't be suprised if Streamlight came out with a Cree/SSC Propoly 4AA in the near future. It's such a great light, and wouldn't need much tweaking to use a Cree/SSC.
If Streamlight came out with a cree/seoul LED propoly light then I would buy it in a heart beat. Th reflector is already pumped and primed for one of those anyways, and it would probably out-throw many many lights. They might have to make it a dual level though because it would be SO BRIGT.

As of now, I am about ready to buy an MRV just because its so incredibely bright and it looks to be similar in size to my Inova X03 which was the perfect size for a flashlight IMO.

But it is tempting to buy another propoly even if I do get an MRV just because it's such a cool light that, honestly, i don't mind beating the living hell out of