Most powerful flood flashlight on AA


Newly Enlightened
Apr 30, 2009
I'm looking for a very powerful flashlight that works on AA batteries and gives pure flood.

I am a photographer and want to use the flashlight for light painting photographs. Usually, I want to illuminate large rocks in a landscape after sunset. The flashlight preferable should not be very large or heavy, as I already have a lot of heavy camera equipment.

I saw that the Fenix TK40 is a very powerful and not too big a flashlight that runs on AA batteries, but I think the light might be too focused.

I prefer the AA batteries, because I often travel in very remote and underdeveloped countries where specialized batteries are often impossible to get, nor do I have access to electricity.

Thanks for your help!

how abour the ITP A6?
I heard its even morre floody than the tk40 and also runs on AA.

greets B.
The Fenix TA40 (8xAA) or Olight A6 Polestar (6xAA) are really your only two options here. You are going to want to use some sort of diffuser with either, to eliminate the hotspot (either a separate attachement that fits, or some sort of diffuser film on the lens).

Not sure if lower output 2xAA will cut it for you, but the standard options are shown in my 2xAA review. Although I plan to update this review soon, for right now note the separate reviews for the 4Sevens's Quark series, LiteFlux LF3XT-2AA, and EagleTac P20A2.

Typically, diffusers are available for select 2AA lights on the Fenix, 4Sevens, EagleTac and Olight models. The Olight diffuser is a slip-on type that will often fit other makes/models.
I'm not sure if you count it as a positive effect, or does it even matter in your projects, but the light (floody or not) without diffuser will give you very sharp shadows, since the light emitting source is very small.

...Also, it'd be good to know, from what distance do you want to illuminate your objects.
Try an Elite Max Eternalight! On overdrive, with the new LEDs it has a quite impressive wide flood and it has many other lower light settings. What I like is that there is no "hotspot" like many lights seem to have.
Don't know any OTOH, but perhaps an MC-E or SST-50/SST-90 P60/D-26 drop-in would be really floody. Not sure - is it possible to combine a CL1H-NOHS (no hotspot) with the MC-E pill? (Assuming you then use a P60 host with AA cells, but it could become quite long)

Also, some incans on D26 are very floody as well, if you want to consider them. (Esp for photography)

EDIT: Realized that these recommendations probably don't make much sense for AA batteries [alkalines]
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Peak's Night Patrol with a P7 emitter is quite powerful and also quite floody - though not a pure flood. Actual output will vary depending upon battery (and voltage) choices (which are many).

There is a really slick tactical style battery tube for this light that lets you choose between any of these battery combinations: 1X18650; 2XRCR123; and 2XAA (or 2X14500). With one or more battery extenders you can add additional AA's or 14500's. It is a single level light with a clicky switch at the tail, but you can also order either an optional multi-level tail switch or an infinitely variable thumb-control for selective output.

Here's mine with a HAIII body and SS head:


Also ask your question (worded differently) in our Photo Forum.

See if they think it will provide enough light for photography ?

You may require Looooong exposure time.
Wolf Eyes also makes a powerful 6xAA light; I'm not sure whether it's a flood.

Like you, I favor standard AA cells and flood. Right now, my EDC (everyday carry) light is an MC-E module in a 3AA FiveMeg body. It's attached to my keyring! To run more powerful modules, you'll need a 4AA longbody host. They don't exist; the closest you'll come is to use a 3x18650 body from Leef, FiveMega, or SolarForce and find a way to keep the AA cells from rattling.

Wait, I know: Over if the Custom/Mod forum, FiveMega sells 3xAA, 6AA, and 9AA adapters for MAG D cell bodies. Maybe adapter that hold even more cells. He also sells ultrapowerful incan lamps for D MAGs; others sell ultrapowerful LED modules for MAGs. That's your best bet.
I've just ordered the iTP A6 and will be doing an HD review in the next week or too.
Also ask your question (worded differently) in our Photo Forum.

See if they think it will provide enough light for photography ?

You may require Looooong exposure time.

Where is the Photo Forum?

I will use long exposures, so the light will build up.
The light will build up ..... :eek: :crackup:

What I meant is that during a long exposure, even a faint light can have quite a big effect because the light intensity will increase with every second of exposure. My problem however, is that a faint light does not have enough reach to illuminate large structures.