Most powerful LED AA light for $20ish?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 18, 2006
I'm looking for something as bright as i can get for around $20. Maybe something using cree at kai/dealextreme? I'm looking for distance and smaller area, stronger beam in one area as i'll be using it for light painting with my camera and stuff. I got my dad of those those 1watt luxeon 3AA maglights and hoping for something shorter and stronger. Thanks!
If a single-stage reverse clicky will do it for you, I'm pretty happy with the UltraFire C3 CREE I got from DX. It was $18.99, shipping included, at the time I bought mine. This was the URL for it: - don't know if all that's still correct, as DX has sometimes been difficult to get to due to a DDoS attack against them :(
The River Rock 2AA 3 watt at Target is really bright and a little shorter than the 2AA Mag. About 25 bucks. It's a Nuwai X-3.
Well, I'm not 100% sure if you want a 1xAA light or just a light that uses AA cells... I really like the Jetbeam C-LE and the Rexlight... They are both multi-stage so they are bright when you need them bright and they can run a long time on the lower levels when more modest levels of light is what is needed.

For 2xAA lights, I really like the Inova 2xAA Bolt. A bit brighter than the 2xAA MagLED and it has a wider hotspot, a wider spillbeam AND a brighter spillbeam. The deep Mag reflector does throw a bit better though.