Most "throwy" Surefire 6-9v drop-in?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 20, 2002
Hi folks.

I have been jonesing for another drop-in for my neglected Surefire C3-HA. Gene's M60 still seems to be the "throwiest" one that I can find. Is this correct?

I have lots of "floody" lights -- so I want to make this one a longish-runtime thrower.
Deerelight R2 in a smooth reflector.

Travel over to the marketplace dealer section and look for member flashcrazy. Tell him you want max throw from your particular light and he'll fix you right up!!!
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Thanks for the speedy reply! I take it that this drop-in (the Deerelight) would be better than the "UNIQ Cree Q5 Drop-In" or the "Lighthound Cree R2 Drop-In" that are up on the Lighthound site?
yeah.. you could also visit the link in my sig.. goes directly to his website.

I personally own one of the dereelights with a SMO.. is pretty throwy!.. but still ringy... IMO, the OP reflector is still a good trade off... takes out most of the cree rings, and only a little bit of throw.
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One more thing -- is the the Deerelight R2 drop-in regulated for 9v (or, will I have to use 1 dummy-cell in my C3)?
The D models... 3SD for example are for a single LiIon cell only, don't get those ones for your purposes.
The M models, like the 3SM will easily accept 3 cells, primary or RCR123.
The Dereelight drop-in will have more throw then the M60. They drive the LED at 1.2 amp IIRC and the smooth reflector also gives more throw. One of the reviews got over 10,000 with the Q5 version, so the R2 version should have a bit more throw then that.

It's not a generic drop-in.

Ok, I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the R2. At least then I can compare.

Now, I see the "M" one is listed as a "cool white" tint...and the 5A Q3 is a "warm white" --- SO, how is the color on the R2s???

Thanks again!
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Not sure what bin their R2's are. You should ask flashcrazy. Send him PM and see if he has any WH around for you.

Talk to him! He's a nice guy and will surely help you out.
(1) "Deerelight P60 Drop-In 3SM R2 WH" is on the way!

I would have been just as a happy with a "1-stage," but 3 levels if fine too.

Thanks again for all the help!
(1) "Deerelight P60 Drop-In 3SM R2 WH" is on the way!

I would have been just as a happy with a "1-stage," but 3 levels if fine too.

Thanks again for all the help!

MrGman tested the 3 mode vs. single Mode Dereelight ( he was calibrating another members sphere) He said he got consistantly less lumens with the multi-mode Dereelights. 😳 I happen to have purchased the multi-modes, had I known I would have got the single mode. Also; my single mode if bumped or dropped on the floor, changes modes.🙁

MrGman's work sphere readings below.

DereeLight 3SD WH R2-High___215__turn-on__________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,
DereeLight 3SD WH R2-High___197__warm,___________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,

DereeLight 3SD WH R2-Med.____65__warm,___________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,
DereeLight 3SD WH R2-Low,____27__warm,___________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,

Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_High __242__turn on__________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,
Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_High __222__warm____________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,

Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_Med ___78__ warm____________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,
Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_low,____25_ warm,____________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,
Well, it's on the way now. 😉

I hope I won't end up wishing I had "just" picked up another M60. I hope that the warmer tint of the P60 + the OP relector will come pretty close to replicating the M60 beam characteristics -- albiet with a nicer (to me) color.
"MrGman tested the 3 mode vs. single Mode Dereelight ( he was calibrating another members sphere) He said he got consistantly less lumens with the multi-mode Dereelights"

bigchelis, I consistently got less lumens with the single mode Dereelights which was surprising. The 3 mode modules did better. Look at the actual full data which includes the single mode unit, it was at least 10 lumens less. You did good by accidental translumification. :huh: G

Are we ready for some real light testing yet? I want to see the EagleTac M2XC4 "warm" white and the Fenix TK 40 up close and personal. No more aspherics, they bore me to tears. G
Sgt. LED, I told Jay you deserve an "atta boy" for showing me to his doorstep. He's also sending me a smooth reflector on his dime since I asked for one after my order had shipped. Very customer-orientated and polite. I'm learning that Jay is a great guy.
This may be slightly off topic since the original poster bought a Dereelight (I just did as well on the mp) but does anyone know how Nailbenders dropins compare? I was thinking of purchasing a diamond dragon dropin, I know the X-PE R2 is probably the best throwing dropin he sells but the Osram is driven very hard at 1.5 amps. I just wanted opinions of Nailbenders dropins and how the throw and overall output compares if anyone has Nailbender and Dereelight products, thanks.