Most upgradeable RCR123 Cree light


Nov 16, 2006
Looking for:

1 or 2 RCR-123 powered
CREE Q bin initially
(minimum) 100 lumen max output - turbo mode if applicable

What cree LED light is the easiest to rip apart and upgrade the emitter/"star" unit? I'm hoping for a simple unscrew the head, un-solder and pop out the emitter assembly, then pop in a new one. ::eagerly awaits the R, S, and T bins:: It'd be great if it was possible to cross-upgrade to SSC or Luxeon depending on who has the most horsepower in the future, I understand the different form factors, so I'm sticking with Cree.
Yes, R will come soon,pls keep waiting in the end of this month:party:
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As many are discovering, the Q4 and Q5 emitters tend to be higher VF than the P4's or Q2's. So just soldering in the latest bin can be disappointing unless the existing driver can supply the higher voltage.

That problem is what sold me on the Dereelight CL1H. It uses standard P60 modules which allows easy drop-in upgrades to higher bin emitters and a matched driver at the same time.

CL1H Marketplace thread:

Dereelight home: