A few months ago a workmate adopted my Ultrafire C3 with extension tube. I gave it to him since he was having a rough time with his minimag incan. 
He was shocked that it was so bright on batteries that would hardly make the minimag glow.
Just today he went to use it and it was dead. :mecry:
The autopsy revealed it was murdered.
Lodged it's abdominal cavity was two swollen, corroded objects. Evidently the objects were a chemical time-bombs, which contained a lethal dose of corrosive poison. :shakehead
Who would do such a thing!
During the autopsy the head was examined. It was barely recognizable as flashlight. At the tail was another tragedy. The smooth shiny glowing spring in the tail was stripped bare so that bare base metal was showing! :duck:
Even if there was a twinkle of life remaining, it was too late for this poor, innocent victim of an unintentional overdose of acid.:candle:
No one could have know this slow, painful murder was taking place. From the outside, the skin looked vibrant, no sign of it's undoing was evident.
So I warn you, of the potential dangers of associating with The Alkalines. They are known to be extremely unfriendly to the environment, they live a life of shame and then they spend their end of days as worthless pieces of trash. :tsk:
If you are fortunate enough to escape their devious ways, consider yourself lucky. Perhaps it would be better to associate with Nimhos or Lions. :shrug:
Here lies C3 Ultrafire
Came to give light but did expire
Trusted two cells as cheap as could be
Another Alkaline tragedy

He was shocked that it was so bright on batteries that would hardly make the minimag glow.
Just today he went to use it and it was dead. :mecry:
The autopsy revealed it was murdered.

Lodged it's abdominal cavity was two swollen, corroded objects. Evidently the objects were a chemical time-bombs, which contained a lethal dose of corrosive poison. :shakehead
Who would do such a thing!
During the autopsy the head was examined. It was barely recognizable as flashlight. At the tail was another tragedy. The smooth shiny glowing spring in the tail was stripped bare so that bare base metal was showing! :duck:
Even if there was a twinkle of life remaining, it was too late for this poor, innocent victim of an unintentional overdose of acid.:candle:
No one could have know this slow, painful murder was taking place. From the outside, the skin looked vibrant, no sign of it's undoing was evident.
So I warn you, of the potential dangers of associating with The Alkalines. They are known to be extremely unfriendly to the environment, they live a life of shame and then they spend their end of days as worthless pieces of trash. :tsk:
If you are fortunate enough to escape their devious ways, consider yourself lucky. Perhaps it would be better to associate with Nimhos or Lions. :shrug:
Here lies C3 Ultrafire
Came to give light but did expire
Trusted two cells as cheap as could be
Another Alkaline tragedy