My 150mW green beast


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2008
At the edge of destruction, Southeastern US
I would like to be able to show you guys and gals the hand held that I have made but....looking at the bottom of the screen I see that I can't post an attachment....Oh well......just wanted to share some of the madness that I have made.:thinking:
You can use Photobucket, or the ever popular Flickr (which does slideshows and is very cool).
I think inserting an image this way [ img] [ /img]will work let's see. Yes it does. I had put spaces into the example to show what I mean. It should look like this
Here is another neat guy I have built. The world's first and only that I know of.......


I had it up on e-bay to sell. They decided that they thought it was a hazzardous thing and removed it for me. I was planning to build a couple more with the funds from it. I need to get more optics. 22mW white light pointer running on lithium cell pack made by me for this project.
not to pop any bubbles but weren't there some rules against posting indoor laser pics?

No, thats OUTDOOR pics.

Sheesh... if we couldn't post INDOOR pics, and we couldn't post OUTDOOR pics... what would we do?

"Yeah, I got this thing, it is sweet... YOU can't see it.... bye."
YEA! Is that the rgb laser pointer that just disappeared off of ebay!? nice one where and how much? Reasonable prices if possible as I'm not a rich fella at the moment cheers, realistic otherwise. ;) I'm just sitting here watching Videofrome and dreaming of white lasers! ROFL
I will probably realist it today...the RGB torch..... some time. I have a satellite receiving station to set up today. After that I will rework the listing description and try again. It is a very unique laser. I would consider offers on it , but I think it would bring a better price there. Like I posted...I need funds for optical components. After I get the pieces I need, I than have to cut them down on a 3" diamond saw and then mount and facet them to spec's I need. No one else has done this the way I have. And the big issue with me is that the next one will be half that size!:whistle:
The white light torch is surviving e-bays rules. Any intrest here will help to fund optics purchasing to build more,smaller units. Just wanted to let anyone here know it is for sale....again. A search on white light or dpss will reveal the listing. Thanks ........
bluephoton ... while you skill is certainly great :thumbsup:, please note that the laser forum is not a forum to conduct sales or push auctions. Please use the proper market place fora for that.
Thanx :)
First off, just want to say great job on the RGB, looks very clean. Just a thought, do you have a "safety" key switch built into the unit? Some times i swear ebay is run by the 3rd reich. They dont like anyting over 5mw that are not classifiesd as lab lasers or for OEM applications.

Got any vids of that bad boy in action?
Nothing fishy at all. I just wanted to show off a bit, no harm done. The other pix are from my RGB hand held unit. Yes I am Mecheng3 on PL. There seems to be a lot of interests here as well. I like all kinds of photon emitting devices. The 150mw is the highest power I have that is stable w/o a tec chip aboard. They eat batteries like ther is no other. I am working on a 473nm laser now and that is the next project for me. Pumped with 5 watts of 808nm. Hope the effeciency of the crystals will get me a 500mw laser. Then I can combine it with the 400mw unit I have. I want a killer RGB.......I need about a dozen 250mw 660nm diodes now.:cool:
I have desired an RGB compact laser pointer for years. If you can come up with a design to make a keychain sized RGB pointer, I have the funding.

Awsome work! Smallest RGB laser I've seen yet!

I have a question though, when you bump the laser against something, do the glued optics require a time extensive re-alignment?

Assuming you were well budgeted, how small of a package do you think you could achieve?

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