My first SF, a SureFire G2 Nitrolon


Newly Enlightened
Sep 17, 2007
Excited, it's not here's on it's way.
The claim is that it trows 60 meters but I would like to have this confirmed.(I've tried to search cpf for this light but the search function errors me all the time.) The light has the 65 lumen bulb. (although tonight I'll dream it having a 120 one..) It has o rings so I assume it could take a decent rain, anyone experience?

I had a G2 for over a year. I lost it a few weeks ago. I replaced it with a G2L (LED).

The original was the incan version, with the P60 lamp. I never changed the lamp in it, and I went through about 30 surefire batteries in that time.

That light went to several different countries with me, and was in a large variety of climate conditions with me. It's been with me in temperatures from -28 to 45 degrees centigrade, in rain, snow, offshore, in the desert, on top of mountains, trudging through calf-deep mud, etc. It never failed me.

I expect the LED to work just as well, with a longer cell life.

You'll like it! Just keep plenty of cells on hand.
I hope you let us know how you find your G2 once it arrives, and get back to us again once you've put a few sets of SF123A batteries through it and let us know what you think it is after some use.

Quite how far it is possible to see using the beam of a flashlight; does in my experience depend very much on how each individual sees things. The range can be decreased by atmospheric conditions that scatter the light, and it also matters whether you merely want to illuminate thing or whether you want to see it clearly enough to identify details etc.

Are you using the "Google Search" (ticked CPF only) ?

The seals used by SureFire are sufficient for keeping out the weather. However, one must ensure the seals (including the o-rings) are kept clean and undamaged, and lubricated using silicone-based lubricant.
I have never experienced any water-resistance issues using the G2 in the rain.

Is that 30 SF123A batteries (15 pairs), or 30 sets (30 pairs) of batteries?

I have a G2, also. My friend gave it to me for my birthday a while ago, and I haven't been using it because I'm not accustomed to buying CR123A's yet, so I ordered a Cree drop-in from dealextreme on the 27th of last month, and it's still not here :(. When (if?) the bulb finally gets here, I think I'll order a charger and some batteries so I don't go through primaries so fast.

Anyway, the short time I used my G2 (until I got my L2D-CE) I was very impressed! I plan on using my G2 again once I get the bulb and rechargeables.
I have a G2, also. My friend gave it to me for my birthday a while ago, and I haven't been using it because I'm not accustomed to buying CR123A's yet, so I ordered a Cree drop-in from dealextreme on the 27th of last month, and it's still not here :(. When (if?) the bulb finally gets here, I think I'll order a charger and some batteries so I don't go through primaries so fast.

Anyway, the short time I used my G2 (until I got my L2D-CE) I was very impressed! I plan on using my G2 again once I get the bulb and rechargeables.

Did you buy the Seoul or Cree drop-in?
Maurice, I remember buying my first G2 like it was yesterday. Prepare to be astounded. You have bought a great light. Also, start saving, and maybe get a second job. Do you have any children you could sell? Next you will want a P61 and a G3, then you will start looking into LEDs. If you have to ask how much 123 batteries cost, you probably cannot afford them. This will all happen very slowly(4 weeks on the average). It will seem even slower to you as you wait each day by the mailbox. When the mail man does finally show up with the latest load of lumens for you, you will squeal like a little girl and disappear into the darkest room of your house. Your family of course will not understand any of this. There WILL be talk of your mental health. Don't say we did not warn you. Whatever you do, promise me you will not begin modding flaslights (you could end up like Mcleish-don't ask). After that you will discover the SureFire M6. You laugh now and think "Who could EVER want or need 500 lumens?". I too, once wondered that. How little I knew or suspected. Now you cannot pry my M6 out of my hands. I am afraid, that you too, are destined to be a flashaholic. "With all thy getting, get more lumens". You can never have too many you know.

Oh yeah, welcome to CPF, glad to have you here.:)
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It's good to get a handle of one's flashlight usage to keep a track of how many hours runtime each flashlight has. Keeping a record of how many sets of batteries is a good method.

I've used about 160 SF123A batteries since Christmas and at this rate it'll be roughly similar to three packs of SF72BB I used last year I guess. Gone are the days in years gone by when I'd use a whole bunch of SF123A's. In the last couple of years I've calmed down a bit I guess... Four 72 packs usually does it.
Well, then I guess I don't use the thing as frequently as I thought. That's a lot of cells!
How do you like it? Is the quality fair?

It's not here yet :( I ordered it on September 27th, and it's still not here. The tracking bit also still says "Processing -- contact for updates". There was an email saying it back-ordered, so I guess I'll have patience :p.

From what I have heard that drop-in is decently built. I'll tell you what I think when I get it :)
It's not here yet :( I ordered it on September 27th, and it's still not here. The tracking bit also still says "Processing -- contact for updates". There was an email saying it back-ordered, so I guess I'll have patience :p.

From what I have heard that drop-in is decently built. I'll tell you what I think when I get it :)

I ordered this one, based on the comparisons I've read between the two.

I expect to wait for a few weeks before I receive it. I plan to use a couple of 17500's to run it.
It's good to get a handle of one's flashlight usage to keep a track of how many hours runtime each flashlight has. Keeping a record of how many sets of batteries is a good method.

I've used about 160 SF123A batteries since Christmas and at this rate it'll be roughly similar to three packs of SF72BB I used last year I guess. Gone are the days in years gone by when I'd use a whole bunch of SF123A's. In the last couple of years I've calmed down a bit I guess... Four 72 packs usually does it.

Why not use rechargeables?
Thanks all for commenting

cjlandry, you've made me feel confident! Thanks.


you've made me as wel even more exciting then I already was about the SF G2. I do have a little confession to make. I'm a member here since September and have got myself a Scorpion GP547 500 lumens and am very very but very content about the light. Also I've modded a M*g 2D to ROP. Loads of problems with it, still doesn't work...Having the idea it has battery problems of some kind. With luck it fires up but will certainly drop dead the next moment.And about getting more and more lumens.... I've had my eyes on the Microfire Warrior K3500 but phff, a lot of money:poof:.
When I compared the 2D ROP Hi with the GP 547 it was a bit a disappointment. The GP 547 had an at least, if not a better trow, then the 2D ROP and overall output. So when once buying something for an overrule of general output and trow, the warrior might be an option. Here in Finland the winters are long and dark you know... I need a decent light. (this is what I tell my girlfriend all the time, and she is the one that every evening takes the Scorpion 500 lumens with our dog for a walk....Ha Ha)

Thanks you for your great comments!

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of course I will post my thoughts over the SF G2 when it comes...
Can't wait! :thumbsup:

The battery use concerns me a bit but I will just have to find a good SF 123a battery supplier in europe. Anyone suggestions?

I order my CR123A's from the US, it's still much cheaper... Look for good quality batteries like Energizers or Panasonics (Surefire uses re-branded Panasonic CR123A's). was selling Energizers for 1.7$/battery including international shipping, if you bought 16 of them - but I can't find those batteries on now? I also bought 20 Energizers for 1$/battery in a close-out sale...

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