My First Shelf Queen: Malkoff MD2

Deputy T.

Newly Enlightened
Mar 20, 2008
I love my flashlights, but it has always been a tough love. I use and abuse my lights. My small single cell lights always immediately put on key chain duty and with in a week are covered in nicks and the anodizing on all the edges is worn. All of my lights the size of my 2D and 3C mags and smaller are tossed together into a plastic container the size of a shoe box when not in use. There they get shuffle around scuffing each other when ever I dig around for the one I need. Even my prized EDC, a E2e with a twisty that I paid $95 in mint condition at the market place gets it worse than others. I decided it would be more pocket-able with out the anti roll hex. So I loaded into an old lathe at my friends work (of course we didn't have the proper cutting tools) took it down using an old file. It wasn't the prettiest machine job but we got 'er done.

But today that all changed for one light.
My interest in a MD2 was mainly for the dual output resistance ring, so I jump on the opportunity to buy new condition HAII version with two stage ring the marketplace. When I opened the bubble envelope today I was impressed by its flawless perfection. Even the newest surefires have small in perfections around the sharp edges straight out of the package. With all the smooth glossy surfaces of the MD2 I expected to find hairline scratch or two but there's absolutely nothing. I loaded my M60 into it, and pressed the tail button. This I probably the finest example of a tactical clickie I've ever laid hands on. When held in my hand the button protrudes more than enough to comfortably engage the switch momentarily; and the action is long enough and the the point of "click" in recessed enough that it won't click on unless I reposition my hand to intentionally do so. Before, the only switch that came close was my Z48, but I find it unnatural and uncomfortable to engage the recessed button in it. To top it all off, unlike a light with a Z48, the MD2 fits into my duty belt holster. Again...perfection.

Until today, my M60 was in my fivemega 1x18650 host with my Z48 tail cap. It lives in my handgun safe next to my S&W 6906, only to be pulled out for the occasional bump in then night. Needless to say the MD2 replaced this assembly, but I've built a divider out of cardboard and lined it with foam so my gun doesn't ding it. I also find my self concerned about my wedding ring coming to contact with the finish...I know, I've got a problem.

Part of me thinks it would be best take this light outside to the middle of the street and toss the sucker straight up into the air and let it slam into the asphalt just so I can move on a treat like every other light in my life.
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flashlights are tools.

use em.

having 5 or 10, $400 ($4000)? titanium lights on a shelf makes zero sense to me.

especially when as technology advances we can buy better performing lights for $50.

and ive seen several *i lost my light* threads, id rather lose a $50 then a $400 one.

and im guessing less then 2% of people here lives depend on their flashlight.

2 x $10 ***fire will probably get any of us home safe

if you were jay lenno, would you really have several million dollars in cars and a special heated garage to keep them, and a full time mechanic to maintain them?

wont be long before we see someone here build a special climate controlled box for their flashlights im sure?

some people have more money then......
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I know where you are coming from Deputy T. Its a light that just commands respect in that the fit and finish is so good that you don't want to abuse it. I would say don't toss it up in the air just to ding it up. Although I am sure it would survive it. Just use it the way you want to use it and tuck it to bed at night next to your pistol (buy a Glock, buy a Glock) and be happy that you indeed made an excellent choice (buy a Glock).

and remember subliminal advertisement does not (buy a Glock 22 40 cal) does not work at all.

And for when you are really serious about lighting up the night get the Wildcat MD3 or 4. I know they are hard to come by (put yourself on the mailing list for one). Enjoy, G.
I don't really think an MD2 is the kind of light that is meant to stay on a shelf. If it gets too aesthetically damaged for you, you could probably sell the host and buy a new body for $50. Or, you could replace it with an MD3 or MD4 body and run the M60 with 2 Lithium Ion cells...
I don't really think an MD2 is the kind of light that is meant to stay on a shelf.

I know this is just a work horse just like all my other lights. My intent is for it to be used in my 6p duty holster. There it bound to be drop one night and after it's suffered its first battle scar, it will join the ranks of the rest of my collection. But for the time being, I'm still just in awe of it's flawless finish.

I can admit that its not exactly perfect in every way in my eyes (or hands as the case may be.) The knurling is not near as aggressive as I prefer. This is where my fivemega bodies come out miles ahead. I have a 2x18500 body with a Z41 and a lumens factory EO-9 in my gun safe on the shelf below the MD2. I will more than likely be reaching for that along with my duty weapon rather than the MD2/6906 combo when the time comes.

...(buy a Glock, buy a Glock)...
(buy a Glock)...
(buy a Glock 22 40 cal)...

You know, I just one of the guys that a Glock just does't feel right in my hand. The back strap is just to bulging for me. I fully respect the build and reliability though. My duty gun is a S&W 5906. I chose the 6906 as my supplimental because function and feel is identical in a smaller package. Also I can us the 15rd mags from my 59 in it.
I can admit that its not exactly perfect in every way in my eyes (or hands as the case may be.) The knurling is not near as aggressive as I prefer. This is where my fivemega bodies come out miles ahead. I have a 2x18500 body with a Z41 and a lumens factory EO-9 in my gun safe on the shelf below the MD2. I will more than likely be reaching for that along with my duty weapon rather than the MD2/6906 combo when the time comes.

You know, I just one of the guys that a Glock just does't feel right in my hand. The back strap is just to bulging for me. I fully respect the build and reliability though. My duty gun is a S&W 5906. I chose the 6906 as my supplimental because function and feel is identical in a smaller package. Also I can us the 15rd mags from my 59 in it.

Sacrilege. You should be banned from the forum for mentioning a mediocre incandescent lamp, the shame of it all, after starting out so well.

More sacrilege. Ohhhhhh, the horror. :eek: I am reporting you to Gunny. :ohgeez:
The MD 2, 3 or 4 does not do well sitting on a shelf. Beat your light, it can take it mine has :) I was doing a little night shooting with my G19 and MD4/MCE tonight and with each training session I like the MD light more and more. Also, agree with your comments on the switch, just wish the "click" was not so loud.

I can tell you that the finish holds up well even on the corners its unlikely that it will scratch before your S&W will... have fun
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I read somewhere that elite soldiers will consider themselves already dead before they go into battle. They accept that death is inevitable and are better able to deal with the task at hand. It helps to minimize if not eliminate fear.

I take a similar attitude towards the lights I use. My edc is an E1B with a Defender tail cap. Not a cheap setup by any means, but once I decided to edc it I looked at it and told myself that there is a very good chance that this light will be lost or even destroyed in the line of duty. I take care of it but I know there's a good chance it could fall out of my pocket or be otherwise busted.
I ordered a Malkoff MD2 and received it a few days ago. As I never before been dissapointed with a Malkoff product, I didn't this time either. The light is in the similar performance as MD4 which I got some weeks ago. Also I ordered a high/low bezel to it, and a MD3 body and switch.

MD3 body and switch I find very useful because it can be used to as well MD2 and MD4. The brightness is the same in each case, but with the difference in runtime. Also my idéa is the possibility to use the light with THESE batteries. This kind of battery setup is really great idéa in my opinion!

Also I tried to put the MD2 body to MD4 head and that works great but with a slight decrease of brightness of around 20%. That does mean MD4 head with MD2 body makes it a 2xCR123 light with around 450 OTF lumens or more. Not bad...

Regards, Patric
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I use my MD3 body and M60 with a LDF lens for work, dropped it first day (fell out of make-shift holster before I could get a RipOff)...on an asphalt driveway. :scowl: Just fell on the back end, not the head, I filled off the ding later; I guess it just got inducted into 'work-mode' sooner than I thought. Fantastic light, clean smooth finish and beam, great diffused than I ever thought, TONS of throw even still. I walk outdoors alot, go under houses, it's much more important to see what's underneath my feet or around my person in a large area than to see a 20' spread so many yards out.
" It lives in my handgun safe next to my S&W 6906, only to be pulled out for the occasional bump in then night."

A gun and a light in a safe is totally worthless. Might as well have a base ball bat.
hehe. nyah, just use it.

i keep the MD2 in the nightstand. I got the warm flood bulb and it lights up the entire room nicely.

i too am guilty of shelfqueens, but not for the brights. only have two shelfqueens (spyderco production sharps, not the most $$$, but too pretty to use).
A gun and a light in a safe is totally worthless. Might as well have a base ball bat.

I do not wish to stray too far off topic. However I would like to respectfully address your comment. I'm not entirely sure what your perspective on the matter is, but I believe your saying that my gun and light are useless because they are locked up. I'd like to clarify that my hand gun safe is bolted to the floor under my nightstand on my side of the bed. There it is very readily accessible in a moment's notice. It is a two shelf model with my both my issued duty weapon, and my personal supplemental fully loaded and chambered. It also has four button combination system that is perfect for quick access in the dark. I have small children so I keep all my firearms locked securely and always will. At the same time I view my fire arms as a vital tools in my defense of family and home. In no less than two incidences since we moved in to our current this has proved true when I detained two intruders on two separate occasions until the city police arrived.

Also in true flashaholic fashion, I have a full array of lights with in arms reach including a 6d mag (don't worry led activists, its got a terralux TLE-300) I have in lieu of a baseball bat.