My First Surefire (+ How do you remove the clip?)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, UK
Well, I was in Florida in a Bass Pro Outdoor World shop, so it was only polite to sample the local flashlight delights. I have been wanting an incandescent EDC for a long time, and they had the E1e in stock, so I bought it.

I must say, it is a very beautiful little light. The clickie has got a good feel to it, the knurling is excellent and it just has a solid, rugged feel that I like. The clip has proved more useful than I expected. Initially, I was going to remove the clip but it would not budge (any ideas).

There are, however two items of dislike - the low output, and the lack of rechargeable functionality. Of course, in true CPF spirit - if it is not right...modify :devil: ! Got a Lumens Factory E1R-HO bulb on the way and an AW PRCR123A cell to correct this. With these subtle changes, it should be the perfect incandescent EDC:huh:
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Re: My First Surefire

good on ya....hope it doesnt mean your Raw is goin' anywhere though..:D

Re: My First Surefire

Funny you should mention the Raw Ti actually. I compared the tint of that and the Surefire, and they were not too dissimilar. Outdoors, the Cree in the Raw is actually very, very good. In my opinion, I am a tint lottery winner. My Wee Ti has a colder tint, which is also ideal because the floody beam is more likely to be used indoors.
Re: My First Surefire

have to agree, most of the crees i have are lottery winners to. my P1D-Q5 for fact im so used to cree -whiteness, my P60/P61 seem awful!

and i knew you carried your P1D alot, but :eek: at the picture on the spotlight thread

Re: My First Surefire

Yes, the P1D-CE (P4 original) has suffered a hard life on my keyring. Actually, I quite like the worn look compared to my P1D-CE Q5 that has been safely holstered. My original P1D has been retired in favour of the much smaller Wee Titanium. Some would say it is a crime to put such a beautiful light on the keys. I would say it is a crime not to use it.

Cannot wait to get some use out of the Surefire with a proper bulb and cell in it. I suppose the Lumens Factory/ AW Li-ion upgrade is the equivalent of a ROP upgrade to a Mag 2D.
Re: My First Surefire

actually im pretty sure a ROPHI 2D would be significantly brighter, as well as significnatly :D

and yes thats the attitude i take with me NDI,its a sin not to use it!

Re: My First Surefire

I mean relative brightness. Actually, even that doesn't quite add up. Let us just say relative brightness improvement to size ratio. That should be in the right ballpark at least.
Re: My First Surefire

strangely, i think i get you...:D the E1E is one of the lights i really shoudl get...unfortunately, im getting a C2 +malkoff first the second my pay comes in...:twothumbs:

Re: My First Surefire

Congrats on your purchase Mikesalt! Along with a LED lightI also edc an incan with me everyday, a 3 cell SF lego with a LM HO bulb. I've never tried a oncell incan though. Is it comparable to a 3 D cell light?
Re: My First Surefire

is there another light in that size that puts out that much light?
talking about the SF e1e with the LF bulb of course
Re: My First Surefire

Congrats on your purchase Mikesalt! Along with a LED lightI also edc an incan with me everyday, a 3 cell SF lego with a LM HO bulb. I've never tried a oncell incan though. Is it comparable to a 3 D cell light?

Well, according to Maglite's bulb-lumen ratings, the stock White-Star krypton bulb puts out 76.8 lumens, whereas the single-celled Lumens Factory bulb is rated at 90 lumens. Add to that the fact the reflector and window in the Surefire are optically superior, I envisage that the E1e w/ LF HO-E1R is substantially brighter. Will be a nicer beam too.
Re: My First Surefire

Post some comparative beamshots when LA arrives (LF shipping is slooow...) :whistle:
Re: My First Surefire

Ahh, so you ordered directly from Lumens Factory? I ordered through Lighthound. They seem to deliver to the UK very promptly indeed.

I will post beamshots when possible. It should be with me next week.
Re: My First Surefire

man im itching to get this tiny light too now:awman:....why did you post this thread mikesalt!!?!? why!!....
Re: My First Surefire

Well, according to Maglite's bulb-lumen ratings, the stock White-Star krypton bulb puts out 76.8 lumens, whereas the single-celled Lumens Factory bulb is rated at 90 lumens. Add to that the fact the reflector and window in the Surefire are optically superior, I envisage that the E1e w/ LF HO-E1R is substantially brighter. Will be a nicer beam too.
My E1e with either the HO-E1R or the EO-1R blows away my Mag 4D in total output.
Re: My First Surefire

I just sold my NovaTac 85P and bought a second E1e with a Aussie mini-tower!

The wait is killing me...