My h60 has 4 levesl L/M/H/Boost

Jan 6, 2009
Just on a fluke I double clicked the button while already on high and it got much brighter. If I press and hold the button from off it goes to Low then medium then high and thats it. If I let go on high and click real fast 2 times it gets much brighter, maybe 30% more. They say 3 levels in the book and I cant find 4 levels documented anywhere.

Maybe everybody already knew this but I didnt. So maybe a few out there have missed it like me.

Just an FYI I guess.
Actually it has six levels, if you double click on any level, it changes to a different brightness on that same level (I know that doesn't make much sense) here's what Zebra Lights site says. The part that explains what's happening, I changed to red.

  • High: 190 lm (2 hrs) or 110 lm (4 hrs)
  • Med: 45 lm (10 hrs) or 15 lm (50 hrs)
  • Low: 0.5 lm (26 days) or 3 lm (9 days)

  • From Off
    • Press and hold to cycle through Low, Med and High, release to set.
    • Click to High, click again quickly to cycle through Med, Low and High.
  • When On
    • Click to Off.
    • Press and hold to cycle through Low, Med and High, release to set.
    • Double click to toggle between the two levels for that mode.
Nice of them to NOT put that in the little book that came with it. Anyway to shift it over to always come up with High2 instead of High1. The light goes from Low2 to Med2 to High1 instead of High2. Doesn't make any sense to me.
Nice of them to NOT put that in the little book that came with it. Anyway to shift it over to always come up with High2 instead of High1. The light goes from Low2 to Med2 to High1 instead of High2. Doesn't make any sense to me.

Yes, that is also supposed to's another quote from their site that explains this.

Note: Low and Medium settings are memorized after the light is turned off. High setting stays at the 110 lm (i.e. not memorized) after the light is turned off. High setting to the 190 lm has a 10 minute timer that automatically switch the light back to the 110 lm to prevent the light from overheating.

Don't you just love manuals that are lacking :thumbsup: Thats why lovecpf!!!!!
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