My Megalennium doesn't say Megalennium on it?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2009
Interesting thing I just noticed regarding my Megalennium while looking at other pictures here and there on the site is that all of the ones I see have the word Megalennium engraved onto them on the flat part of the barrel.

Mine doesn't have that. The flat parts of the barrel are just that - flat. Only thing I can see is the letter M engraved into the body on the upper-left corner of one of the flat sides.

I'll snap a pic and post later but don't have that with me at work right now.
Sounds like you've been short changed my friend. Please send over you paypal info and I will take it off your hands.:laughing:
Out of curiosity, is yours the 3x18650 or the 2x26500.

I have a 2x26500. It don't say Megalennium. Instead they say "2x26500".
But, that's normal for that light.
I do have one of the 2x26500 ones, but this is the 3x18650 one. I didn't get a chance to take a picture over the weekend - family/baby time intervened.