The mail lady handed me a box today I've been looking foward to. In the box was a FM 16AA quad bored light, battery holder and FM3X VLOP head. This is not just a bored out mag but a beautifully finnished custom light. The fluted head that came on it looks so good it's a shame not to use it. The bulb holder sits in a robust heat sink that's threaded to the tube for easy bulb replacement. I believe most of the resistance has been removed from the switch. "Well this was too easy" Just screw off the head it came with, screw on the FM3X, load and install the battery holder. "I had some batterys ready I had charged a few days ago" Let's go to the field behind the house and see what we've got here. Wow!!! This thing turns night into day. At 9.5-10a. draw it won't be long before I'll be charging the batterys but they're not dead yet. This one's going to be fun.