my new most hated light


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
lumitop nano gt. there is way more room in this thing to add more battery capacity even if its non removable 80 mah is just silly
lumitop nano gt. there is way more room in this thing to add more battery capacity even if its non removable 80 mah is just silly
That is sort of why I've not jumped on the lithium ion based keychain lights as the built in chargers take up space that can be used for more battery capacity. If you look at the watt hours of a light with a 10180 that is smaller vs a AAA you find the 10180 may get you brighter light by a lot but at reasonably useful lower output levels the AAA deals out 2-4 times the runtime. For occasional use either light is fine but when it is a backup and your primarily light fails the smaller battery can run out of juice and since it is a non standard cell you have less options.
21700 id my fav power plant . i have a sorfin that uses a 21700 great fun light if you like anduril
I have an 18650 sofirn light and like it, it has modes along with a ramping function.
i love ramping i love super crazy low lumen mode lately when i get bored i naavagate the woods at night with less then 1 lumen. but lately i notice i can now see even with out the light. ps check out the sorfirn latern great lantern
just for fun i checked the weight of both lights with there batterys 27 grams for the lumitop. 170 grams for the sofirn. but obe has 80 mah and the other 5000 mah
It reminds me of all the coin cell keychain lights we used to have in abundance that now are less attractive. I have button cell lights and quit using them because they are great at first but when the cells deplete they are a mess to find locally at times and runtime isn't impressive either. I like the flexibility of rechargeables that way when I do use a light some I can top it right back off. Sofirn has a keychain light with a 10180 in it for about $16 or so but it just seems to be too little battery for such a bright light, most like an extended flash bulb than a flashlight to me.
I have seen a few on Reddit take tubes off existing lights that fit the GT nano thread perfectly and then stick bigger batts in there. I don`t know if that`s helpfull at all?
I have looked at these little things since they came out. I think there cool and on your keychain would certainly impress some people. But ya I think it's more a less a toy to play with. Kinda like a LEP. Cool toy but not real useful. But I do want one😁
Rumor has it the OEM 10440 nano tube is up for sale on a somethingtoplighting dot something website (code for go look it up because probably not supposed to reference or link to it here). Only disclaimer is they are not an official affiliate of Lumintop, but an independent distributor of their products, so it's said.