My new purchase


Jun 3, 2008
New York City
I received 50 bucks:cool: from a family member after helping them with a long and tiring move. I had a light crave for the past week so I said why not spend only 4 bucks out of my pocket(4 sevens discount total of the light was 54 dollars and change) and buy a EX10. I've read plenty reviews and it seems that over all its a great EDC light. I like the idea of having the low and high setting and everything in between for that matter at my finger tips. So for 4 bucks what do you think a good snag? Also I saw some people saying that the lights come over lubed and that you should wipe them down and apply your own, what should I use. Also anyone experience any problems with this light? I guess if I did 4 sevens would give me no hassle of returning it.

Thanks guys, as always everyone here is a big help!
No first hand experience with that light... sorry:confused:

You should probably confirm what the O-rings are made of first.

I lube my threads and O-rings with o-ring grease from my local OSH. The plumbing guy there recommended it for any black O-ring, to help maintain water resistance and keep the rubber soft. I have also used silicone grease with very good results, although its viscosity seems to change (gets thinner) with use. While the the plumbers grease remains consistent.

$4 with a little hard labor is a great snag IMHO.:thumbsup:
I've got one. Nice light with no problems so far. I don't EDC (have other lights) it but have used it and, it performs nicely. I suspect you'll like it.

I received 50 bucks:cool: from a family member after helping them with a long and tiring move. I had a light crave for the past week so I said why not spend only 4 bucks out of my pocket(4 sevens discount total of the light was 54 dollars and change) and buy a EX10. I've read plenty reviews and it seems that over all its a great EDC light. I like the idea of having the low and high setting and everything in between for that matter at my finger tips. So for 4 bucks what do you think a good snag?

If you scan thru messages in this forum, you'll see that the EX10 and its brother, the D10, are two of the most highly regarded. A good choice.
Yeah I bought the EX10 over the D10 due to its longer runtime, alot longer. Besides, the only real difference is battery type(with all the surefire's I have 123 batteries are not a problem) and size and to me the smaller the better in lights I mean, so get your head outa the gutter.