My Precious (XR19-C) ~~ALL DRESSED UP~~


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006
Just got her in the mail today.
Cleaned her up and took a few quick pics.

All Dressed Up Peu's SS bezel with 3 Orange Trits, 1 Orange Trit in the tail, Orange lanyard...Yes, I like Orange!

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Re: My Precious (XR19-C)


Looks great...

I am looking for my first one.

Let me know when you are bored with having two of them.

Re: My Precious (XR19-C)

If you only had an idea of what I paid for one, you wouldn't be asking!
Re: My Precious (XR19-C)

I saw a Ti for the first time this week. They are the nicest looking/feeling light I have ever seen. And you have two of them? Man, I'm jealous :nana:
Re: My Precious (XR19-C)

I saw a Ti for the first time this week. They are the nicest looking/feeling light I have ever seen. And you have two of them? Man, I'm jealous :nana:

Hey CM,

Ever mod one of these before? I think its calling for an R2
Re: My Precious (XR19-C)

Just curious how light output and beam pattern of your new XR19-C compares with PD-S?

Re: My Precious (XR19-C)

Deeper reflector for a little more throw.
Uses a cree instead of seoul as well.
Re: My Precious (XR19-C) ** AND IT'S TWIN **

2nd one arrived, new pics added:D
Re: My Precious (XR19-C) ** AND IT'S TWIN **

Damn! Nice looking combination!

You are about to drive yourself nuts when you can't figure out which to bring out and especially when you figure out which one of the 2 that you want to bring out more:naughty:
Re: My Precious (XR19-C) ** AND IT'S TWIN **

Damn! Nice looking combination!

You are about to drive yourself nuts when you can't figure out which to bring out and especially when you figure out which one of the 2 that you want to bring out more:naughty:

Thats why we have two hands!!!:tinfoil:
