My Quick Fenix E01 Review


Mar 29, 2002
Gloucester, New Jersey
These are my comments from yesterday, in another thread, after have the light for less than an hour.

OK, so my (4) units arrived from BrightGuy today. I have a partial shipment on the way from Fenix-Store. I have a random unit on the meter now for about 15-minutes and I believe I can draw these very very early conclusions.

-- The E01 has better regulation, a more flatter curve, if a curve at all.
-- The E01 is dimmer, whereas it's initial reading is 2500 vs. 3570 of the Arc. I'm only 30-minutes into the test.

Some personal comments:

-- Fit and finish is fine. I wish the Olive color was darker.
-- The LED (and this is my biggest complaint) is set too deep into the reflector.
-- Because of the deep-set LED, side spill is pretty useless in what I look for in this type of light.

Some of my opinions may change as I play and learn more about the light. It's still daylight, so I can't do any "real" outside/real use stuff yet. Keep in mind that I have not even had these an hour yet.

Edit #1: Overnight, I put one of the E01's on the meter and here are the results compared to one of my better Arc-P DS lights.



Edit #2: This shows only the runtime period between hours 5 and 12, in an attempt to see the amount of dim light (moon mode) after the regulation drops-out on each light. It's pretty obvious that Arc has a much better moon mode, at the Scarface of normal regulated runtime.


Edit #3: What can be said about this. Brightness doesn't change on the L92, but runtime sure the hell does. Note this is an 18-hour graph. I don't recall ever plotting a light out that long on it's primary (in this case its only) brightness level. It's tough to see, but it drops out of regulation at ~825 minutes. That's 13.75-hours folks.


Edit #4: If I had any doubts at all that the Fenix E01 was going replace my Arc-DS as an EDC, those doubts have just been put to rest. This finding is simply amazing as far as I'm concerned. One of things that I always liked about the Arc is the ability to fire on a very low cell. I've seen the Arc fire on cells that were in the .7/.8 volt range. I always considered this to be a big deal for me, especially since the Arc is many times the only light I have on my possession. I just happened to do a test with a cell that metered at .41-volts standing voltage. I tried it in every Arc that I own and as expected didn't fire. I then took this same cell and put it in the E01 that I've been testing the light fired. I was simply blown-away by this. I metered the cell again and it should the same .41-volts. I then tried it in the other (3) E01's that I have and it fire in every one. You've got to be freakin' kidding me. Way to go on that circuit Fenix.

Edit #5: Here's the comparitive testing of my 1st 2-units. Nothing really of a surprise here. I've never seen (2) of the same type lights produce the exact same readings. What's important here is that even though the 2nd unit it dimmer (not enough to be noticeable to the eye), it's runs longer in regulation. That's what you want to see. If it were dimmer and ran shorter, that would be a problem.


Edit #6: I wanted to wait until the testing of my last unit of my current supply of E01's were completed, however that's still a couple days away, so I wanted to get this posted now. This chart shows the differences between units. There are (3) units which have been tested. Unit #4 is on the meter ow. Not that it matters but (2) of the (3) are black. The 3rd unit is olive and the 4th unit (currently being tested) is also olive. I have 2-more coming from the Fenix-Store whenever they have more stock. Each of these lights were metered with the Duracell alkaline and Energizer E2 (L92) lithium cells. It's pretty ironic that the 1st unit tested appears to be the one with the highest output so far. I color-coded the legend is such a way, that same color represents a particular unit. I think it makes it easier to read the graph. In all cases the L92 outperforms the alkaline.


Edit #7: Here's the completed chart that adds the last E01 that I have in my possession. I just received a shipping notice that my last (2) units are on the way to me. I guess since I've tested all of these, that I'll go all the way and test these other (2) units when then arrive. Although there's a bit of a swing between these (4) units that I've tested so far, I wouldn't say that I've seen anything that really surprises me. Those units that are a bit brighter than the others don't run as long and those dimmer units do run longer than the brighter ones.


Edit #8: This shows the head-to-head comparision of the Fenix E01 (GS) with the latest version of the Arc-AAA (GS). I have the 2nd Arc unit on the meter as we speak.



Edit #9: Here's the chart with the 2nd Arc-AAA (GS) added.


Edit #10: This last chart shows all the E01's that I own of the Black and Olive variety. Just today, my (6) new colored (2-of each) arrived. This chart plots each and every of my black and olive versions. It's pretty interesting to see the various range of output. It you throw out the high and low performers, all things seem to appear pretty equal.


Edit #11: Now that the runtime tests of all my Black and Olive E01's have been completed, I've started on the colored ones I received the other day. This chart shows one of my gold units on a Duracell alkaline. The L92 test is still running, but I was so interested in this particular result, I had to post it now.

Take note of the very well defined "moon-mode" of this light. In all my prior testing of the other E01's, not one of them has shown this level of moon-mode. For the most part, the others show a rapid drop in output. I'm not sure if this is a fluke or if something changed on the colored versions. To keep the clutter down a bit, I only left the brightest and dimmest E01 on the graph to compare with this gold unit.

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The curve looks just like the E0's. Great regulation! Runtime 8.5h in regulation, just like the E0. Beats the arc after 2.5h.

But you write that you compared it to the arc gs, but on the side of the graph it says ds?
This next test is going to prove interesting. I've just put that same Fenix unit on the meter with an Energizer E2 (L92) and initial readings show the output is not brighter. Why I say this test will be interesting is because with the already flat regulation of the Duracell and the fact the E2 doesn't make it brighter, I'm wonder what the results will be with the L92. I' guessing it will run a bit longer and flatter at the point where the Duracell crapped-out on the 1st test.
Thanks for your time, efforts and batteries :twothumbs
And same questions as mighty82 regarding the GS/DS Arc.

I would like to request L92 runtime on the same light prior to further runtime testing on the other E01's you have. Thanks.

I see that is your plan anyhow. Many thanks!!
The curve looks just like the E0's. Great regulation! Runtime 8.5h in regulation, just like the E0. Beats the arc after 2.5h.

But you write that you compared it to the arc gs, but on the side of the graph it says ds?

Thanks for catching that. I fixed my text. The Arc is definately the DS. I know that because my GS lights were never tested and where packed to be returned within a couple hours of getting them.
Sorry guys, but I was such in a hurry to post, I was a bit sloppier than normal. The heading of the chart mentions "Q4" and we obviously know that does not apply here.
Interesting . . . and this is just an observation, not a complaint . . . it seems that the "moon mode" seems to last for just about an hour.

Am I reading the graphs correctly?


How would you rate the overall build quality compared to the Arc?
  • Anodizing
  • Knurling
  • Initial thoughts on waterproofness
  • Initial thoughts on toughness / reliability
I really think that it looks great based on the runtime chart you posted and I too am very interested in knowing what it will do with a Lithium... wouldn't it be something if it got around 12 to 13 hours before dropping out of regulation?
Thanks again Ray for a real user review. My thoughts are these are going to make great Christmas gifts to people who are less picky then us flashaholics. Back in the day when the Arc AA could commonly be had for roughly $20 and sported I think it was called the BS LED, I gave several to family members. I'm sure the E01 will be brighter then those so they will be impressed, particularly with the different colors.

How would you rate the overall build quality compared to the Arc?
  • Anodizing
  • Knurling
  • Initial thoughts on waterproofness
  • Initial thoughts on toughness / reliability
I really think that it looks great based on the runtime chart you posted and I too am very interested in knowing what it will do with a Lithium... wouldn't it be something if it got around 12 to 13 hours before dropping out of regulation?

For the price, even if it were in the $25 range, I'd have no problem giving these as gifts. In my opinion, the anodizing is fine. The olive version, I'd prefer to be darker, but that's just a personal preference. The head/bezel is actually a bit larger/rounder than the Arc and easier to engage. The twisting action is smoother than any Arc I've ever owned. I don't know how the electronics are installed (potted vs. non-potted) but this light is just a water resistant and the Arc from what I can see. Knurling is no more or less agressive than the Arc, but the knurls feel "larger" to me, making it grip better in my hand, fingers and mouth.

All that said, then you run across some really stupid crap that makes the light look cheap. Mostly the fact that the serial number does not line-up with the engraving on the barrel. It makes it look real cheezy to me. Like I said, my biggest complaints at this point are 1) LED is sunk too deep for my liking and 2) I would have prefered the CS/DS LED.
Thanks TIN :thumbsup:
I have either an olive or black one on the way (I forgot which color I ordered) I really, really like the FLAT output the light does with an alkaline battery! 8.5 hours with an hour or two of diminishing light will inform my family and friends that they need a new battery.
I will send the lights with "550 cord" break-away lanyards to people to be used as emergency lights that they can take a shower with. Ya never know, they might even put them on their keychain. Really interested in the L92 lithium runtimes, if it can make it to 12 hours it will be worth running them.
Although I am not too wild about the beam of the GS, at least the LED is recessed inside the bezel so it won't get damaged. As an emergency light, it will be sufficient even running an alkaline since 8 hours of flat regulation is great! The anodized threads and spring to protect the battery will work well for my non-flashaholic friends and family. Thanks for the quick review.
Now is the time for Arc to strike back with a Rebel 100, flatter regulation and a small optic to protect the LED.
to This_Is_NASCAR --

Thank you, once again, for your great runtime graphs !


Now is the time for Arc to strike back with a Rebel 100, flatter regulation and a small optic to protect the LED.

Unless Arc (or whatever name you want to use) has a change in heart, we'll never see it. That's why there have been many lights to catch-up with the nitch that Arc used to hold.

Anyway, I agree that it's a good thing the LED is sunken deep vs. sticking out the front end. I've been doing comparision "useage" type stuff in a dark room, comparing my E01 with the Arc. Each one of these E01's that I have are less-blue in the hotspot than what the Arc is. I'll tell ya, it was really nice being about to tailstand the E01 when I wanted to. The only way I get than in my Arc is when I use my Peak pocket tube.

One of my initial concerns with because the LED was set so deeply, the sidespill suffered while doing wall-hunting. In real world useage, it doesn't seem as noticable, if at all. Just like how I thought the SF E1B would cause an issue with it's narrower beam, that turned out to be OK when you actually use the light.

I also like the fact the E01 has a couple flat areas on the side of the battery tube. It makes "mouth holding" useage much easier. I'm still trying to get use to the fact the E01 feels "fatter" when I'm holding it. It should be no surprise, since it is.
Do you have a meter that hooks up to your computer to do the run time graphs? If so, where can one get ahold of something like that? :)

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