Near fatal Burger King experience


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2003
Thank God she's okay. The thought of losing my daughter (who just turned 2 :)) to some piece of crap plastic is devastating. Just shows you that danger lurks anywhere at anytime. Glad she's okay. Don't let up until that >EXPLETIVE DELETED< is closed down!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Glad to hear she's OK. It would have been hard for me not to let that owner have it. Odd design. I can see she gets her good looks from her mum and not the Pyperman


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
She did not sustain any injury that I can tell, we will get her to the Doctor to insure that. (I wouldn't mention the word "Burger king" or "Playground" around her though..
Me, I saw my daughters legs hanging and assumed she was holding on with her hands, when I realized her hands were also hanging and her face was blue I for a brief moment in time thought the worst, and that is a tough image to shake.
I went back to work and was unable to lift my ladder, I put way too much into bending that plastic to free her. This situation should be getting better.. It's not.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 12, 2005
Your awareness most likely saved your daughter (she sure is a cutie) - thankfully it doesn't sound like there will be any negative long-term consequences for your family.

You might consider not commenting any further on this issue in a public forum. I don't know a thing about Canadian law but your discussions here might be admissable in court. If so they could be used against you by the army of lawyers that are already working on this case...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2003
Central Washington State
ALL enclosed areas should be inspected by parents before allowing their children to play there.

Obviously, it's not your fault that the design is poor, and looking at it, I wonder if the design or the assembly was at fault, but enclosed play spaces always bother me for this type of reason. (It looks to me like the two studs might have actually been the mounting points for the step and someone screwed up.) Along with this kind of issue, there is nothing to keep someone from putting foreign substances, spiders, wasps, etc. in the enclosed space where only the first kid in will see it.

When my kids were little, I always sent an older kid in first to look for that kind of stuff and also stuck my head up inside the tube to make sure no big kid was in there waiting to hassle mine, but people always called me paranoid!

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that everyone isn't out to get me!

I'm glad this turned out positively for you and yours!!! It is TOO scary when it's a little one!




Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
San Jose, CA
You not only rescued your daughter, but probably saved another child who would been injured/killed had you not taken follow-up action.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 6, 2004
Good parenting, there, Pydpiper, and by that I mean sending out a search party for your missing child, and your actions following.

Had you not done that, this could have easily ended differently, and tragically.

Your wife and child are lovely. Really. You must be very proud of them, as you have every right to be.

The owner of this facility should be horsewhipped for the attitude he displayed. Tell your friends. Have them tell their friends. This man needs to find another form of investment - indifference to child safety by a guy running a burger joint is absolutely unconscionable.

I'm glad to read that you have retained counsel over this unhappy event.

My compliments, sir.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Wow. So glad your daughter is ok! And I can't BELIEVE the initial response from that manager! A child almost died there and he was acting like it was no big deal.

You've done a wonderful thing by sticking to this and making sure they follow through with appropriate repairs and/or closing that @&*! playground. You've also put the manager and the corporation on notice that they're on the hook, not only for repairs but for the pain of your experience. I'm sure the reporter's footage will help move things along also.

But mostly I'm glad your daughter is ok!
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 19, 2005
Be careful with the lawyer, sometimes they tell you things you want to hear. I'm not a lawyer, but because there aren't real damages, I doubt there would be a case. Although, leaving the playground open after the incident is just incredible. What a jerk!

I'm always terrified going to Chuckie Cheese, or places with playgrounds that I can't watch the kids continuously. Never can eat a meal there in peace. Now you've made me realize those places really aren't safe. Excellent post.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 7, 2004
Hong Kong
Wow.. :sweat: Glad to hear that your daughter will be ok.. With an active 19 month old daughter myself, I can certainly empathize with your experience. I've been like bwaites when it comes to play grounds and always keep my little one in plain sight. I'd rather be paranoid than sorry..

Well done on the follow up action :thumbsup: as I am SURE you've managed to save another child from this potential death trap. :rock:

BTW, she is a real cutie! :grin2:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
After a long night I have decided not to pursue this through legal counsel, I am going to address it myself through Burger King. I don't want the big guys to think I am in this for financal gain, I'm not. I am going to make a short powerful stance as to the safety of these things.
This town has 1 paper, 30k people and growing due to a Toyota plant being constructed. I will persist until the owner of the restaurant changes his attitude.
I will let everyone know how it turns out.


Jan 7, 2005
Constant vigilance is the price of raising children. It is a good thing you were in "condition Orange" that day. Glad your little cherub is back to full kid mode.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2004
I really think sometimes that they need to pay more attention to how fast food restaurants are run. I was at a Harvey's a few months back, late at night, around 8pm. For those unfamiliar with how they operate, it's similar to a Subway, they prepare your hamburger in front of you, so the condiments are all sitting in bowls behind a plastic screen. Anyways, since it was late at night the girl had to go into the back to grill the hamburgers. The other person working at the time was dealing with drive-thru traffic.

As we stood there waiting for the hamburgers to be cooked (the server was still in the kitchen), we noticed that there were fruit flies and one great big black fly crawling all over the condiments which were exposed to the surrounding environment. Now, fruit flies generally don't transmit diseases, so it wasn't a big concern to us - except it was gross and disgusting to see. After the girl came back with the hamburgers and buns, we pointed out to her that the condiments were covered with flies, in the order of 20-30 I imagine. The conversation went like this:

US: Are you aware that there are masses of flies crawling over the tomatoes and pickles?
HER: Our management doesn't allow us to spray the area.
US: You might want to throw away the top pieces in each bowl then.
HER: We can't, they don't let us throw food out.
US: Fine, no pickles or tomatoes please.

Since it was late, and I had a midterm next day that I needed to study for, we just paid, ate and left. I emailed Harvey's customer service the next day, and remarkably the manager at the location called the next day. After playing telephone tag for a while, we got in contact and he said that he had gone to have a look at the problem and saw it himself; then said he had called in a pest control specialist and they would review the health protocols for the restaurant.

I was impressed by the quick response time, but I feel that they should probably train their staff to show a bit more initiative in dealing with problems, instead of just shunning customers. Sometimes I think that perhaps due to the volume of traffic that goes through their restuarants in one day, they believe that since it's only an average of perhaps $10-15 been spent,you're not worth that much to them if you don't come back. Needless to say I haven't gone back there since, and don't plan to.

I'm appalled to hear about what happened to your daughter, you did the right thing confronting the manager, and he should be disciplined for how he behaved.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2001
posted by Pydpiper: "After a long night I have decided not to pursue this through legal counsel, I am going to address it myself through Burger King. I don't want the big guys to think I am in this for financal gain, I'm not."

I applaud your decision. When you first mentioned your attorney, I have to admit I was taken aback. While lawsuits have their purpose, and can do good, at the end of the day in my opinion, the only winners are the attorneys. Class action lawsuits are the extreme example, in which the "class" gets miniscule refunds/credits, while the attorneys rake in millions and millions.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
I have not heard back from Burger King, And probally will not until Monday.
I passed through there yesterday and it was indeed closed, a sign on the door appologizing for the inconvienience.
I spent yesterday morning in the By-law office making sure my bases were covered for my next step.
This Burger king is in a new area of town, it is a small island in a large plaza, Wallmart, Mcdonalds and many other stores and restaurants share the same parking lot. Other than this plaza it is a pretty desolate town. The parking lot contains about 2000 cars at any given time, and I am about to become one of those annoying people who put a paper under the windshield wiper (very uncommon occurance around here) That is why I was at the By-law office, the last thing I want is a fine..
I am writing a story directed at Readers digest about parental responsablity, not directly aimed at Burger king, but they will undoubtably be mentioned more than once.
The local paper will receive a short letter to the editor regarding the owners lack of concern to such a large issue.
As a business owner here in town I have many contacts developed through business and personal ventures, there will be a poster containing my story as well as a photo of my daughter and the climber in every lunchroom in every factory for miles around, store windows, telephone poles...

At this time the owner still has not apologized to me.
I am assuming he is from the big city, and as many others has come here to capitolize on our growing community, I plan on slowing him down a bit.

While I was in transit from the Burger King to my home the owner called my wife and offered "a free meal" as his sentiments, that was insulting..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 8, 2004
Pydpiper said:
While I was in transit from the Burger King to my home the owner called my wife and offered "a free meal" as his sentiments, that was insulting..

Sounds like this is the basic level at which this moron is operating. :shakehead


May 30, 2004
pydpiper - thank god you little girl is fine. more power to you on getting burger king to fix the problem. :xyxgun:


Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
Pydpiper said:
While I was in transit from the Burger King to my home the owner called my wife and offered "a free meal" as his sentiments, that was insulting..

:shakehead What an idiot!