Need 16mm GITD tail cap buttons


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2006
Boston, MA, USA
I've got a couple of lights that have 16mm buttons on the rear. I've found buttons for my 14mm lights, but can't seem to find 16mm GITD buttons anywhere. I've searched KD and DX. They have 14mm buttons galore and some 16mm buttons that aren't Glow In The Dark. Can someone help me out here?
I was under the impression that the green GITD caps were 16mm, and the light blue ones were 14mm. That might have changed since I ordered them, though.
I was under the impression that the green GITD caps were 16mm, and the light blue ones were 14mm. That might have changed since I ordered them, though.
I was just on KD & DX, some of the buttons specify 14mm. There are a couple that don't specify a size at all. The blue ones don't specify a size.
I've ordered just about every button both KD and DX have. The blue ones are reviewed as being smaller and they fit Fenix lights. Luckily I have a Fenix too.
I'm assuming that the button diameter they quote is the OD of the protruding part of the button itself, not the flange.
I'll see what comes in the mail and take measurements of everything and see what's what.