need 3000 lumens... what do you recommend


Jan 8, 2009
Okay guys... I need to build something which will produce some serious light.

looking for roughly 3000 lumens. Needs to be sutiable for an automotive 12v system... trying to keep current draw as low as possible. Size isnt really important as I can build the housing to accept whatever.

If you had to put together 2 seperate packages. (1 being HID and 1 LED) What packages would you put together and why ?

One of these will probably be cheaper and far more reliable than anything you will build.

Also you have a warranty.

Well I sure like the idea of 3500 lm however this project is not to be portable.... its a marine underwater project...

I have a thread posted in the dive lighting section comparing led to HID... Imstill undecided as to which will work best for my application
What kind of beam pattern are you going after?

Cheapest and easiest way would be a parabolic reflector and an automotive 35w D2S burner (Philips, Osram, or GE branded) and a 35w ballast. Nice spot beam.

I've used SSC P7s for LED projects and they're very bright. Probably need 3-4 of them for the amount of light you want. They will give a very floody 120 degree beam, but can be shaped by flashlight reflectors.

For "Marine Underwater", automotive might not be the best forum. It is focused more on how to increase the performance of automotive lighting systems without having a negative impact on other drivers or creating an unacceptable beam pattern.

From the sounds of it, are you going for more of a very bright underwater spotlight?
You should check these out.

Currently, there are only a few reflectors available made specifically for these. (ARCCO has one and Ledil is developing one [C4500])

Edit: Got ahead of myself, for an auto power supply, you'd want to look at the ES series, or a couple of them possibly.
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