Need a BRIGHT LED Light


Apr 9, 2006
Newark, Ohio
I need a really bright light, and it must be an LED. Price or size is not important. Here is what I currently have and I want this new light to blow them away if possible. I have a Wolfeyes Pilot Whale and a Jetbeam Raptor RRT-1. These are my bright LED's.

Is there anything brighter than these? I would like a combo of throw and spill, or an adjustable beam. Thanks for helping me spend my money.
Make yourself a SST-90 mod. Make sure the LED is driven at 9-10 amps and that you have enough heatsinking and you should be sent.

Still not enough, either buy a HID, or take 3 of those LEDs and place them together.
+1 about considering an HID. It will be hard to find an LED light that will blow away your ~1000 lumen Wolfeyes Pilot Whale in output, and the RRT-1 is already one of the longest throwing LED lights available using standard reflectors. The Stanley HID $70 from Walmart puts out 3000 lumens and will completely blow away what you currently have in both throw and output.
The only thing that comes to mind is one of the handful of multiple-MC-E lights starting to appear. They put out over 1000 lumens but have pretty demanding battery requirements. HID would seem to be the way to go.
Just a thought; if your next light has to be an LED, then based on your criteria the Arcmania X6 Ostar LED would be what you are looking for. I don't think it has much spill but it is the only light I know of that will "blow away" what you have. There is also saabluster's DEFT which will out throw the Arcmania and is the longest throwing handheld LED light ever created, but it will have a much tighter beam than the Ostar.
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How about the Jetbeam M1X? or something similar?

I don't think there is any way that will "blow away" what you already have. It won't throw as well as your RRT-1, and should put out around 300 fewer lumens than your Wolfeyes Pilot Whale (going by the ratings). The Arcmania X6 Ostar is rated to put out 1350 lumens on its high mode.
Talk to Nailbender, get him to build you a triple P7 on a c size Mag. I love mine and talk about a wall of light! It still throws great too, just super bright. I say forget the HID, I like LED lights...