Need a white and red LED flashlight (no filters)


Newly Enlightened
Jan 20, 2009
I have a dual-color Coast TacTorch for its dual color LED's, 5 white and 1 red, with 2 different activation buttons. I'd like something similar, but with more power, and waterproof, without having to rely on filters to switch to red light. I like having a red LED handy quickly to view things nearby without ruining my night vision and announcing my presence to everyone around, but I'm not a fan of filters. Also, while I like having 2 buttons, its sometimes hard to tell which is which, so I resorted to putting some tape next to the red LED button. Some lights I've read about can cycle through various colors, which I think is a terrible idea, since cycling through white will wreck my night vision and reveal my presence.

Anyone have any suggestions?
You may want to check out the Coleman multi LED lights. They have white/red/blue or white/red/green LED configurations. The color is selected using a ring near the bezel of the light. The white LED is high power, the color LED's are standard 5mm.
Ra Twisty 85-Tr has a low red and a high white beam. Photon Proton Pro also has a low red and a high white beam. Both are rated waterproof. Not sure if they are more powerful than your Coast TacTorch, though.
The Photon pro can do it. It has one button, a quick press will turn it on the white light, a long press will slowly turn up the red light.

A bigger, more expensive and powerful light is the Tomahawk, it can also be bought in a color version. A short press on the button will turn on the color light, a long press will turn on the white light (Each at one of 3 preselected levels) and it also has a override button that will turn on the white light at full power. I.e. your can have the red light at low power and then hit the override for a blast of white light at full power.
Howdy Hammerfel and welcome to CPF,
Good suggestions so far. I think what you want is probably the Proton Pro that deranged_coder and HKJ suggested:

It uses an inexpensive and always available AA battery, allows easy access to either white OR red light with one button, and while it's not dive rated, it has the appropriate O-rings for extreme water resistance.

I know that $50-60 may seem a bit expensive for a pocket light, but most of us have found that it pays to go ahead and spend that bit extra to get a good reliable light the first time, rather than spending half as much 2 or 3 times and not being happy with the results.

By the way, be sure and check out the CPF Welcome Mat, it has lots of interesting information our new members find helpful:

Have fun, and do let us know what you end up with and how you like it.
I was just looking at sone new offerings from Streamlight earlier today and came across the Night Com LED. It has bright red, dim red, and bright white. Sounds nice.
  • C4 LED: 4,500 candela peak beam intensity; 105 lumens
  • Runs up to 3.5 hrs
  • (2) Ultra-Bright Red LEDs: 2.5 lumens; Runs up to 28 hrs; for use when true night vision preservation is NOT necessary
  • Indicator Type LED: Preserves complete dark adaptation per MIL-1472D (<0.05 lumens); for use when true night vision preservation IS necessary
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Thanks all, this is really handy info. Hope I can find something locally, as I leave for my camping trip next Thursday.
Locally might be difficult. Where are you located? If you are in CONUS, some stores will ship quick enough (like CFR for the Proton Pro) that you would have it with plenty of time to spare.
The Proton Pro is great. To me, for about $50, it is totally worth it. It does get a little warm on the high setting with the white LED running for an extended period. It has permanently earned a spot in my EDC (every day carry) bag. The ability to have red/white in one light and run it on a single AA battery is just plain awesome.

If you have a Sportsman's Warehouse or similar outdoor store nearby, you might be able to find one on the shelves.

Try one, you'll like it. :)
I live in San Diego. I like the Proton Pro a lot. Looks like exactly what I need.
I've been eyeing the Photon Proton Pro for awhile now.

Hopefully the exchange rate will swing back in my favour soon so I can order one.