Need advice from Emergency Medical Technician


Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2002
Valley Village, CA

A friend of mine is a writer and is trying to write a realistic scene of an arriving ambulance, EMT's and their patient. Basically he is looking for the kind of information delivered by the EMT's to hospital personnel. The patient is suffering from exposure (cold), is pregnant and ready to give birth and is not conscious. It doesn't have to be long-winded just the basics - quick, efficient and very professional.

Thanks in advance!
I let my EMT cert. expire due to my new hours at my job (I was a volly EMT, but still run with the FD) but I can still help ya. We would radio the hospital and our report would be something like this...

We are enroute to your facility with a 38 year old male patient involved in an MVA (motor vehicle accident). Patient was restrained (seatbelted) driver and the airbags did deploy. Patient is complaining of lower leg pain and there is obvious deformity of the left Tibia. We have the leg vacuum splinted, and patient is on a backboard with C-collar. Patient is alert and oriented. Vitals are... BP 145/88, pulse 95 and respirations are 18. We will be at your facility in approx. 10 minutes.

That report could be too much info for some hospitals, and too little for others. It took me a while to remember what hospitals liked the quick/basic reports, and which ones liked all the details that you could give them.

Im sure you'll get a lot more responses with better reports, I've been away too long now!

Thanks, Roger:
I forgot to mention that the scene takes place when they arrive at the hospital. I should probably set my tivo to record some ER episodes, they usually have a scene or two with an arriving patient if I'm not mistaken...
cobra if that's the way you would treat and call in a cold pregnant unconcious lady no wonder you retired! kidding...
I am an EMT basic on the fire dept. in my city. If you want it to be accurate, don't go by what you see on T.V. We would radio in like cobra said, and upon arrival @ the E.D. this Pt. would go to the trauma room. While transferring the pt. to the E.D. stretcher, we would basically repeat our report and answer the doctor's questions. The Paramedics would show him the EKG strip, tell him what size I.V. and where it is and any meds they administered en route. Hope this helps. if you want more detailes than that, field jargin and such, feel free to pm me.
TedTheLed said:
cobra if that's the way you would treat and call in a cold pregnant unconcious lady no wonder you retired! kidding...

Oops! I read the post and opened the window to reply and then someone called and I forgot he had a specific scene in his post! Cut me some slack... I had just got home from working a 12.5 hour shift and a 1 hour commute home! :grin2::grin2:

This might work. It is realistic, short and fairly accurate. Anyone else have more experience please correct me or chime in. (It's been awhile and I forgotten more than I can remember)

"Jane Doe early thirties found unresponsive, spontaneous shallow respirations at 8 breaths per minute. Sinus bradycardia at 50 beats per minute, pulse is weak and thready, BP 75/40. Patient hypothermic, unable to determine length of exposure. Secondary survey show no other apparent injuries. Appears to be in late third trimester. Oropharygeal airway inserted and respirations supported via Bag Mask Valve on 100% O2. Unable to get an IV in the field."
Cobra; just kidding, just kidding. don't make a spectacle of yourself with a hissy fit.

("hissy fit" "spectacled" ?? get it?? Cobra references?? ..sorry.)


ps best thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery sent out for Ms. Doe.
TedTheLed said:
Cobra; just kidding, just kidding. don't make a spectacle of yourself with a hissy fit.

("hissy fit" "spectacled" ?? get it?? Cobra references?? ..sorry.)


ps best thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery sent out for Ms. Doe.

No hissy fit here... thats why I put the :grin2::grin2:'s in the post. If I was upset I would have :xyxgun: you or maybe even :touche:! :lolsign:

Thanks, Oddjob:

I'm sure he'll be able to use some of your information.

Thanks for the best wishes, Ted :) Unfortunately Ms. Doe dies but not in vain... I can tell you more once the contracts are signed :) Love Ventura, spent my summers at the Marina with my Grandparents - They lived in the mobile home park right acrosss the street...

Thanks all,