need fast charger for 18650 li-ion ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 31, 2004
I am looking for a fast charger for li-ion 18650.

What kind of generic charger that can charge within 3hrs?
What about the Ultrafire WF-139?

That takes about three hours, and obviously less if you are just topping up the cells.
is this ultrafire charger a fast charger? it looks like a slow charger to me.
As far as I know it is a fast charger, and it is advertised as one.

The longest I have waited for a cell to charge is 2 hours from about 60% depleted
If you use it correctly yes.
I and many people have had no issues.
Everytime I pull cells from it they are sitting at 4.2v

If you don't trust it, you can try the Pila IBC, it gets good feedback aswell.
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The WF-139 charges at 450 mA.
The Pila IBC charges at 600 mA.
A fast charger for a 18650 Li-Ion would charge at 1,500-2,200 mA.
There is no such thing as a good, fast charger for LiCoO2 Li-ions (perhaps if you have some of the newer high discharge rate Li-ions that can discharge at 10C or 20C, then you can also fast charge them). Sure, you can find sources that claim to have a so-called fast Li-ion charger. But it won't do a good job charging the Li-Co cells to capacity. The CC/CV charging method is such that even if you jack up the charge current during the CC phase, all that means is that you hit the 4.20V level early and the CV phase will last that much longer.

You would be well-served to find a CC/CV charger for your 18650s that charges at less than 1C (preferably 0.7C or less) and terminates at 4.20V max, with no trickle charge. If the charger also has a charge timer, so much the better.
I am looking for a fast charger for li-ion 18650.
What kind of generic charger that can charge within 3hrs?

An example of "fast" and "generic" charger that charges 18650 close to 3 hours... could be $7.92 DX "Digital Li-Ion 18650 Battery Charger". As cheap and generic as it can be, and quite fast too. There's nothing really digital about it, but can't complain it at that price and it quite works well for me.

It usually takes 3 to 3 1/2 hours to charge my trustfire 2400mAh 18650. With my WF-139, that's about 5 1/2 to 6 hours.
There is no such thing as a good, fast charger for LiCoO2 Li-ions (perhaps if you have some of the newer high discharge rate Li-ions that can discharge at 10C or 20C, then you can also fast charge them). Sure, you can find sources that claim to have a so-called fast Li-ion charger. But it won't do a good job charging the Li-Co cells to capacity. The CC/CV charging method is such that even if you jack up the charge current during the CC phase, all that means is that you hit the 4.20V level early and the CV phase will last that much longer.

You would be well-served to find a CC/CV charger for your 18650s that charges at less than 1C (preferably 0.7C or less) and terminates at 4.20V max, with no trickle charge. If the charger also has a charge timer, so much the better.

When chosing fast charge the only difference is instead of waitin 1 hour with 0,2-0,1 amp it just stop. so the nattery will be 90% full.
If I understand you correctly, you are saying a "fast charger" simply dispenses with the CV portion of the charge cycle.

I'm not sure I would call that a fast charger. I'd call it an early termination charger. Basically, instead of terminating the CV part at say C/20, you are stopping at 0.8C or whatever the charging rate is during the CC phase. I also don't think you'll get 90% capacity that way.
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If I understand you correctly, you are saying a "fast charger" simply dispenses with the CV portion of the charge cycle.

I'm not sure I would call that a fast charger. I'd call it an early termination charger. Basically, instead of terminating the CV part at say C/20, you are stopping at 0.8C or whatever the charging rate is during the CC phase. I also don't think you'll get 90% capacity that way.

Im not sure its 90% ,, but it called a fast charge, even those elictric car that uses lithium have this kind of charging 1-4h fast charge 60-80%(im not sure about how many % and h) instead of 6h 100%

But whatever, you may have right its not a fast charge what do i know.. im just saying what the manual say .
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