Need help finding a large folder !


Sep 16, 2006
Hi ppl

A good friend of mine dropped by work today, noticed my Native III and started asking about it.
His thoughts on it where that it's not big enough for his hands and he didn't really like the feel of the FRN handles.
So i decided to get a nice folder for him as a Xmas gift.
Now here is how the requirements shape up.
He does some recreational hunting every now and then so he needs a sturdy backup folder for the job.
His hands are big so it has to be bigger than my Native.
I am looking for good quality steel 154CM/VG10 something along those lines.
And i am willing to spend up to $100

Here are a few i found interesting
Benchmade Griptilian Plain Edge BM550HG
Benchmade Griptilian Knife Plain Edge BM551
Benchmade 670 Apparition
Benchmade 672 Apparition G10
HK29FDP Drop Point BM14210
Kalinga Pro Folder Rosewood BU419RWS-B
Mini Vulcan Tanto SanMai PE SOGVL04
Benchmade Rukus 610 (at $160)

So please help me out a bit cause i am not that knowledgable on the knive scene...
Thanks in advance
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Flat ground G-10 endura-VG-10
kershaw shallot in CPM110V or composite ZDP

What blade length?
Blade shape?
A friend of mine, Sasquatch1985 on CPF, has a Mini Griptilian. It's very nice. The regular Griptilian is probably also very nice, as well as larger.

I have a SOG Trident ($70 street/online) that I've EDCed for a couple years. It's a little over an inch longer than the Native III, according to specs. The SOG website says the steel is AUS8 (I have no idea how good that is, but presumably you do :) ). The frame (handle/grip) is Zytel, which sounds like it may be similar to FRN, so that might not work.
The Benchmade 672 is D2 steel and there were a few problems with the assisted opening system early on. Don't let that put you off because the AO is removable leaving you with a great D2 steel knife for a great price.

The grips are great value too.
A friend of mine, Sasquatch1985 on CPF, has a Mini Griptilian. It's very nice. The regular Griptilian is probably also very nice, as well as larger.

I have a SOG Trident ($70 street/online) that I've EDCed for a couple years. It's a little over an inch longer than the Native III, according to specs. The SOG website says the steel is AUS8 (I have no idea how good that is, but presumably you do :) ). The frame (handle/grip) is Zytel, which sounds like it may be similar to FRN, so that might not work.

If you want a SOG many of their folders have switched to VG10 in the past year, but there are still old aus8 stock floating around. Unfortunately Trident isn't one of them for whatever reason, too bad I really liked the the design but stayed away because of the steel and clip.
I highly recommend the BM 670 Apparition. The assisted opening action is very fast and when it hits the stop it is a solid locked, loaded, and ready to go feeling. This folder has a great weight, balance, and feel to it in my opinion - if you want light weight then look for something else.

I own the limited edition version from a few years back that has laminated composite scales and an S30V blade. I have toyed around with picking up another one with the molded grips for more everyday use.

Good Luck,
Thanks for all the input guys, but i forgot one of my personal favourites, the Benchmade Rukus 610 which is more than half over my original set budget at $160 but i think it will be the perfect folder for my friend, nice looking knife, big and sturdy.

If anyone knows where i can get one for under 160 (price taken from NewGraham knives, donne a few purchases from them and i never had any problems) please let me know.
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That's for the mini rukus, i am after his big brother :)
But thanks for the effort Alex.
If he hates the feel of FRN he will absolutely loathe the feel of the Griptilian handles. They are lightweight and hollow and feel extremely cheap. They may be strong but they certainly don't feel like it.
I recommend the G10 Endura or Paramilitary. Other good, cheaper choices are the Spyderco Tenacious and Byrd Catbyrd, and Cara Cara.
Looking for a big folder, built like a tank, made of quality materials at near custom fit and finish, with a 154CM blade.................


.............get him a Zero Tolerance 0200! These can be had under $130.

I have a mini griptilian, and the Rukus 610. I love both for different reasons.

The mini grip is a really nice EDC - it's one of the slimmer Benchmades, so it fits nicely in a pocket.

If he has big hands, the Rukus 610 would probably be a better choice. It has a very big handle.

You might check and for a better price.

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Thanks for all the input guys.

I showed him pics from all the folders i could come up with along with the one's some of you suggested and he picked the Kalinga Pro Folder Rosewood BU419RWS-B .
Seems like a beautifully made knife with excellent materials.
Has anyone handled this knife ?
............he picked the Kalinga Pro Folder Rosewood BU419RWS-B. Seems like a beautifully made knife with excellent materials. Has anyone handled this knife ?

I have, and that very model as well. Friend of mine has one and I got to handle it just a week ago. They are very nice and well made.....typical Buck USA quality. Fit and finish was excellent and had a solid lock-up with the linerlock. It's about the same size as the ZT 0200 I posted about earlier, though not quite as beefy in overall build.

A good choice!

Spyderco Chinook III

The definition of a large folder with real weight to it. I love mine!

But at just over $200, I'm thinking it's more than you'd like to spend.

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