need help on research paper!!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2005
I need a quote from the Roman emperor Diocletian.

"How often," was he accustomed to say, "is it the interest of four or five ministers to combine together to deceive their sovereign! Secluded from mankind by his exalted dignity, the truth is concealed from his knowledge; he can see only with their eyes, he hears nothing but their misrepresentations. He confers the most important offices upon vice and weakness, and disgraces the most virtuous and deserving among his subjects. By such infamous arts," added Diocletian, "the best and wisest princes are sold to the venal corruption of their courtiers."
thanks... do you mind sighting a reference?

For future reference Google can do darn near anything (except wax my car) - try going there and searching for the terms "quotes from diocletian" and you will be shocked out how many hits come back!


P.S. - sorry about the duplicate info - we must have been responding about the same time.
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I still got nothing guys... I need a URL if anyone can find a quote. I will continue to search.

I found one thanks too goole, and it was from the rise and fall of the Roman empire, so you all helped a great deal. Thanks a lot guys.

I find a clustering search engine more useful than google is.
It is choosing a particular haystack to search in vs
searching all haystacks simultaneously through a conveyer belt.

You did see my Google link in the post above? If you just clicked on the Google link, the second entry was for:

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 1, chapt 39...

In fact, this link contains links to the entire fifteen volumes of tDaFotRE as well as several thousands books from various disciplines (they are the older works--typically out of copyright--more difficult to read and have not been cleaned up for PC content)...

Perhaps a few people can help with understanding the various search engines out there and how to use them???

Google and all of the other search engines out there have made research and documentation of discussions a breeze compared to the days when I had to browse through stone tablets in my days at school/college 30 years ago.


PS, I am not trying to cause trouble--just trying to understand how best to help... -BB

PPS: Might as well add a link to the big Mama of free online books (17,000+ including some non-English books too):

Gutenberg Project

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LumenHound said:
"How often," was he accustomed to say, "is it the interest of four or five ministers to combine together to deceive their sovereign! Secluded from mankind by his exalted dignity, the truth is concealed from his knowledge; he can see only with their eyes, he hears nothing but their misrepresentations. He confers the most important offices upon vice and weakness, and disgraces the most virtuous and deserving among his subjects. By such infamous arts," added Diocletian, "the best and wisest princes are sold to the venal corruption of their courtiers."

It is this that I must devote more of my attention and energy to than I would like, yet it is a part of my appointed quest. I am dutiful to the appointment.

Thanks for the quote, Lumenhound. I had to look up courtiers to make sure I had that right. Courtiers.