Need help to program Piglet board?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 22, 2005
I tried searching, but couldn't find anything about programming one (not to mention there being several different Piglet versions which made things more confusing for me). I found threads showing the 3 different modes, but not how to get from one mode to another. Right now, I'm on the default low-hi-low-hi... mode, but I wanted to go thru the other modes with SOS and strobe to see which I liked or just to know how to do it. Thanks for anyone's help.
Goldserve custom programmed a 3 mode Piglet UI for my CR2 Ion and ARC LS, but the regular boards had 5 modes. Here's the settings chart from his original sales thread:

The default low-hi-low-hi-low-hi-off-set mode you're describing is mode 1. Keep clicking until you reach 'set mode' and you will see a flashing sequence start with the number of flashes representing each mode (ie: 1 flash = mode 1, 2 flashes = mode 2, etc...). When you reach the mode you want to be in, click (or twist) the light off and you'll be in that mode.

Piglets are excellent boards, what light is yours in?


Thanks Derek! I'm going to try programming tonight. My piglet is in a E2D head with a VG FB1 body. It's my ultimate EDC...ultra-small (3"), momentary switch, bezel-down clip, multi-mode, and very well made. It cost a bit more than I had anticipated to make, and much much longer (the CPFer I had make it had problems boring out the head, then had problems spacing the LED), but now that I have it, it's an amazing light!
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