Pydpiper, You'll likely be awake and kicking several hours before me so I'll just give you a generic recipe based on an average pool with an average problem, since the sooner you get on top of the chlorine issue the better.
Based on a 20K gallon pool with heavy cloudiness with some green on walls.
If you have a Sand or DE filter, backwash first before adding your chems. Add new DE if applicable.
Add 1.5 lbs of Calcium Hypochlorite
Add 1.5 lbs of Tri-chlor **crucial**
Add 3, full size tablets to pool and spread them out if possible. (one in skimmer, one in float, one in chlorine positive feed...if you have one)
Run pool for 24 hours continuously before cutting back to 8 hours daily. If the pool is still doing well you can cut back the time in 30 minute increments until back to your regular temperature/time formula. This should take care of the pool for about a week, then resume your normal chemical protocol.
If you can't see the bottom at 6 feet.
If you have a Sand or DE filter, backwash first before adding your chems. Add new DE if applicable.
Add 2.0 lbs of Calcium Hypochlorite
Add 2.0 lbs of Tri-chlor
Add 4, full size 3" tablets
Add one full bottle of Algaedyne liquid algaecide to skimmer, slowly pouring in full contents over a period of 5-10 minutes...or just follow the instructions on the back. I've used about 8-10 bottles of it this summer and it worked great in every case. Make sure that you add the granulated chlor first, before adding the Algaedyne. It's important that the chlor level is high, otherwise the liquid algeacide looses some of it's effectiveness.
Run the pool for 48 hours continuously before cutting back to 8 hours daily. If the pool is still doing well you can cut back the time in 30 minute increments until back to your regular temperature/time formula. This should take care of the pool for about a week, then resume your normal chemical protocol.
Just a quick head's up that you'll likely get many opinions from the chemical supplier about how to attack your problem but there is no exact formula despite what people say. There is usually an experience difference between the folks who handle a lot of pools and the folks who just sell the chems. Mine is based upon what works here with our extreme heat and monsoon run-off. It will cost you about $15-25 bucks if you don't need the algaedyne but it's better to hit it hard one time since failed treatings only make the pool more resistant to reversal. Bare in mind that in most cases I'm having to pay for chems myself, so I only use what's needed. I mention this because I wanted to save you as much as possible with my recommendation.
I hope that helps. Let me know how ya did please.