Need new light for ride along

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 26, 2009
New York, New York
Hey guys, I'm a Police Explorer and I went on a ride along last Sunday. I have a Surefire G3L kit on my sam browne with the Surefire E1B in my pocket. The shift sergeant came up to me and said, "Since Explorers aren't allowed to carry night sticks or any weapons, I suggest you get a bigger light...maybe a Maglite? Anything of that size is good, as long as you can hit someone with it just in case your officer needs help."

Now begins my journey on finding a light! I'd like to get a very bright light (200+ lumens?)...preferably incandescent for better color rendition. I have a Maglite but is there anything brighter?
Going with the Maglite they suggest, how about a 3d with either a Malkoff (260lm, OTF) or Mac's Customs (>600lm) drop-in. Neither are available at the moment so you'd have to play a bit of a waiting game.
Jetbeam M1X:
cheapest way of getting high power,
good quality,
best (rechargeable) cell setup,
alreay big enough to be used as a club
... better club ergonomy as Mag ;)
Surefire M4? 9.2" in length, 225 SF lumens for 60mins/350 SF lumens for 20mins, incan.
Hello fellow So Cal CPFer. I would recommed getting the Streamlight SL20X which comes stock in incan and consider getting the Terralux 110-S as an upgrade. I would also recommed some Danner Acadia boots in case you also have to kick someone. These a pricey but are waterproof, breathable and resoleable. I have had mine for about 10 years. This will be worth it in case you do want pursue your career in LE you'll have the best boots already.
Pardon me, but that sounds pretty lame to me (coming from a family of leo's) having been on plenty of ride alongs.

I really doubt you were asked to bring along a bigger flashlight in case you needed to conk someone with it on a ride along.

About the last thing most guys I know would want is somebody flailing around with the likes of a maglite on a stop, particularly given todays sue happy environment & PD's & SO's that are very sensitive to it.

I'm calling troll while looking at your screen name.
This is getting colorful. Question - Isn't lightweight and bright better than heavy and not-as-bright? Rugged sounds most important, but a Mag sounds offensive rather than defensive. Comments ?

Pardon me, but that sounds pretty lame to me (coming from a family of leo's) having been on plenty of ride alongs.

I really doubt you were asked to bring along a bigger flashlight in case you needed to conk someone with it on a ride along.

About the last thing most guys I know would want is somebody flailing around with the likes of a maglite on a stop, particularly given todays sue happy environment & PD's & SO's that are very sensitive to it.

I'm calling troll while looking at your screen name.

I have also been on several ride alongs and they drill into your head to never engage in any sort of contact with a suspect. No offense, but the officer does not need the help of a kid with a flashlight. They have plenty of ability and better tools to handle the situation. Some officers dont even let you leave the car let alone participate in a struggle of some sort. Im pretty sure your seargant was just cracking a joke.

Remember when you are with that officer/deputy, everything that happens, is his resonsiblity. Its tough enough to have to look after their own asses but now they have to worry about you also. Behave maturely and do not interfere with the officers duties.

Taking a flashlight is a great idea if the officer needs help looking for something or his flashlight dies or whatever, but never, ever, start wacking someone with your maglite.
Tape a coin cell light to a collapsable baton and add a sticker. "Emergency backup light w/ body extender"

Just remember to tape the light back on after the struggle as it'll likely fall off. :D
Pardon me, but that sounds pretty lame to me (coming from a family of leo's) having been on plenty of ride alongs.

I really doubt you were asked to bring along a bigger flashlight in case you needed to conk someone with it on a ride along.

About the last thing most guys I know would want is somebody flailing around with the likes of a maglite on a stop, particularly given todays sue happy environment & PD's & SO's that are very sensitive to it.

I'm calling troll while looking at your screen name.

not to be offensive or political, but if he is working with the OC Sheriff I would believe it-they have a "harsh" reputation around here. Explorer program is a little different than a random civilian going on a ride along.(as far as Sgt. suggesting a bigger light for "defense".)

to OP- I'd recommend doing military service first. and go with a maglight.
Tape a coin cell light to a collapsable baton and add a sticker. "Emergency backup light w/ body extender"

Just remember to tape the light back on after the struggle as it'll likely fall off. :D

just carrying a baton is a felony in CA. use it and it's assault with a deadly weapon. you need a permit(proper training) to carry a baton in CA, which he as an Explorer doesn't have yet.
just carrying a baton is a felony in CA. use it and it's assault with a deadly weapon. you need a permit(proper training) to carry a baton in CA, which he as an Explorer doesn't have yet.
Obviously he was just kidding. Did that sound like a real suggestion of a workable solution?:poke:
Obviously he was just kidding. Did that sound like a real suggestion of a workable solution?:poke:

yes, knew it had to be a joke/not a real suggestion. just clearing it up for OP in case he took it literally.

also, pointing out the fact that the laws in CA are strict. those little bats you get at baseball games are a felony to have here.
yes, knew it had to be a joke/not a real suggestion. just clearing it up for OP in case he took it literally.

also, pointing out the fact that the laws in CA are strict. those little bats you get at baseball games are a felony to have here.

Yeah, Commiefornia is a decade down the poohole. It's a shame.
This has been a very bad thread, with some extremely poor and ill-judged contributions.

kito109654, your last post was the most dismal of the lot; anything more like that from you, and will be looking at a suspension.

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