I only know about boarding, Ski'd for a couple of weeks, but boarded ever since I stated and havent looked back.
First time I went Boarding I had nothing, and soon realised you need good snowboarding trowsers you will get a wet arse sitting on the snow if not. I got some Burton ones, and they work for me, But there are lots of different sorts to choose from....Get then big/ baggy, it helps with movement.
As others have said, high good quallity socks are a must, as are a large selection of plasters.
Also, if you board, Knee pads help loads, as you spend a lot of time facing up the mountain, on your knees, cold, and hard when you fall on them, elbow pads also help lots, wrist protectors got on my knerves, but I always put them on the first few days of the trip untill I remeber what I'm doing. ( You could probably do without the wrist protectors, and elbow pads.
Take a few different pairs of gloves, Even the most fancy ones, get wet and cold, its nice to change half way through the day (don't buy gloves with wrist portectors you can't take out, they may not work for you, so its nice to be able to take them out)
I also used a double fold of bubble wrap tucked down my trowsers, Its cheap and it realy helps,Your going to land on your arse lots. In the end we used thick dense air conditioning lagging foam cut into an oval, and stuffed that down our trowsers, nice insulation from the snow, and helps, Also comfy if you stop to admire the scenery, and take a break.
It realy slows you down, and ruins the holiday if you get injurys, so its worth spending money on some protective gear first, even if you start off looking like the michelin man. Dont splurge on gear, you will learn where the bargains are, like I said a average pair of knee pads, and bubble wrap are the two essentials.
I ended up with full Dainese body armour, that does help loads with getting beat up, you will have a lot of tumbles., but event the coccyx protector on that is not as good as a foam pad, but after a while you get bettter, and have less tumbles. (When you do stack after you are proficient its impresive)
I didnt start with a helmet, not essential, as i think it takes away some of your sorounding awareness. A hat will help. But last year I wore a helmet and I was more daring with it on.
Drugs!!, you will need them, Diclofeniak, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. If you dont have it you'll wish you did. It gets easier, but the first few days Hurt.
Try to strengthen your legs, squats, etc before you go.
3 days of tumbles and falls and you'll have picked it up, I learned on a friends stag week, so we were all drunk, which also helps as you roll with the falls a bit easier.
Take a backpack, I coulden't get on with my cammel pack, as the nozzle freezes, but you will want some where to put your jacket if it gets hot, carry lots of water, as you will get thirsty, and chocolate for a boost, make a sandwich or two in the morning, cause you'll be hungy, ( I love French bagguette with creme fraice, black pepper and salami. C'est tres bon.
Eating out in the cafes cost heaps and you can waiste alot of your day in there.
If you think your going to crash dont bail, try to get out of it as much as you can, cause the worst thats going to happen is your going to crash anyway, so you may as well try to get out of what you may think is a potential crash.
Oh, and I have never found France that cold, so dont go mad on artic clothes, You get hot quick trudging to the lifts carrying your board.
I find myself wearing a hoodie or teeshirt, and tube knex fleese scarf, instead of a waterproof jacket I keep for if its realy heavy snow.
And as your going to live there take your regular UK clothes, you dont go out for a beer in the eventing wearing your ski clothes, its not cool, or what the locals do, you dress in regular non ski themed clothes, You definatley dont need snow shoes, you'll probably be issued with snowboarding boots which are the same thing, a regular pair of casual boots is what you need, and trainers etc, or whatever you usually dress in the evening.
Oh, and Dont eat the 'yellow snow' :sick2: